
Visualization utils for Mahout and the Clojure REPL

Primary LanguageClojure

# mahout-vis

Some utilities to visualize Mahout output using Clojure and Incanter.

## Usage

* KMeans

(use 'mahout-vis.core)

;; bootstrap with a Hadoop configuration file
(bootstrap! "/Users/antonio/Development/tmp/hadoop-0.20.2/conf/core-site.xml")

;; taking as input the output from the example using synthetic control data in Mahout documentation
;; https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/MAHOUT/Clustering+of+synthetic+control+data
(def *results* (k-means-output "output/clusters-9/part-r-00000" "output/clusteredPoints/part-m-00000"))

;; visualize component 1 vs 25 and 1 vs 50 from clustered points, also displaying the centroids
(visualize-plots (compute-comps *results* [1] [25 50] {:display-centroids true}))

## License

Copyright (C) 2011 FIXME

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.