
Primary LanguageJavaGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

AuthZForce Server (Community Edition)

License: GPL v3 Documentation badge Docker badge Support badge Codacy Badge

This project is part of FIWARE. More info on the FIWARE catalogue.

AuthZForce Server provides a multi-tenant RESTful API to Policy Administration Points (PAP) and Policy Decision Points (PDP) supporting Attribute-Based Access Control (ABAC), as defined in the OASIS XACML 3.0 standard.

AuthZForce Server is also the Reference Implementation (GEri) of FIWARE Authorization PDP Generic Enabler (GE). More info on the FIWARE catalogue.

Go to the releases page for specific release info: downloads (Linux packages), Docker image, release notes, and documentation.

If you are interested in using an embedded XACML-compliant PDP in your Java applications, AuthZForce also provides a PDP engine as a Java library in Authzforce core project.


PDP (Policy Decision Point)

PIP (Policy Information Point)

AuthzForce provides XACML PIP features in the form of Attribute Providers. More information in the previous section.

PAP (Policy Administration Point)

  • Policy management: create/read/update/delete multiple policies and references from one to another (via PolicySetIdReference)
  • Policy versioning: create/read/delete multiple versions per policy.
  • Configurable root policy ID/version: top-level policy enforced by the PDP may be any managed policy (if no version defined in configuration, the latest available is selected)
  • Configurable maximum number of policies;
  • Configurable maximum number of versions per policy.
  • Optional policy version rolling (when the maximum of versions per policy has been reached, oldest versions are automatically removed to make place).


  • Provides access to all PAP/PDP features mentioned in previous sections with possibility to have PDP-only instances (i.e. without PAP features).
  • Multi-tenant: allows to have multiple domains/tenants, each with its own PAP/PDP, in particular its own policy repository.
  • Conformance with REST Profile of XACML v3.0 Version 1.0
  • Supported data formats, aka content types:
    • application/xml: XML based on API schema;
    • application/fastinfoset: Fast Infoset based on API's XML schema;
    • application/json: JSON based on API's XML schema with a generic XML-to-JSON mapping convention
    • application/xacml+xml: XACML content only, as defined by RFC 7061
    • application/xacml+json: JSON format for XACML Request/Response on PDP only, as defined by XACML v3.0 - JSON Profile Version 1.0
  • Defined in standard Web Application Description Language and XML schema so that you can automatically generate client code.

High availability and load-balancing

  • Integration with file synchronization tools (e.g. csync2) or distributed filesystems (e.g. NFS and CIFS) to build clusters of AuthZForce Servers.


The following optional features from XACML v3.0 Core standard are not supported:

  • Elements AttributesReferences, MultiRequests and RequestReference;
  • Functions urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:3.0:function:xpath-node-equal, urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:3.0:function:xpath-node-match and urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:3.0:function:access-permitted;
  • Algorithms planned for future deprecation.

If you are interested in those, you can ask for support.

Distribution (downloads)

Every release is distributed as follows:

  • Ubuntu/Debian package (recommended option): .deb;
  • Other Linux distributions: .tar.gz;
  • Docker image.

For download links, please go to the specific release page.


For links to the documentation of a release, please go to the specific release page.

Examples of usage and PEP code with a web service authorization module

For an example of using an AuthzForce Server's RESTful PDP API in a real-life use case, please refer to the JUnit test class RESTfulPdpBasedAuthzInterceptorTest and the Apache CXF authorization interceptor RESTfulPdpBasedAuthzInterceptor. The test class runs a test similar to @coheigea's XACML 3.0 Authorization Interceptor test but using AuthzForce Server as PDP instead of OpenAZ. In this test, a web service client requests a Apache-CXF-based web service with a SAML token as credentials (previously issued by a Security Token Service upon successful client authentication) that contains the user ID and roles. Each request is intercepted on the web service side by a RESTfulPdpBasedAuthzInterceptor that plays the role of PEP (Policy Enforcement Point in XACML jargon), i.e. it extracts the various authorization attributes (user ID and roles, web service name, operation...) and requests a decision with these attributes from a remote PDP provided by AuthzForce Server, then enforces the PDP's decision, i.e. forwards the request to the web service implementation if the decision is Permit, else rejects it. For more information, see the Javadoc of RESTfulPdpBasedAuthzInterceptorTest.


This project is licensed under the terms of GPL v3 except Java classes in packages org.ow2.authzforce.webapp.org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.provider.json.utils and org.ow2.authzforce.webapp.org.codehaus.jettison.mapped which are under Apache License.


Use the Issues tab on the Github repository page. Please include as much information as possible; the more we know, the better the chance of a quicker resolution:

  • Software version
  • Platform (OS and JDK)
  • Stack traces generally really help! If in doubt include the whole thing; often exceptions get wrapped in other exceptions and the exception right near the bottom explains the actual error, not the first few lines at the top. It's very easy for us to skim-read past unnecessary parts of a stack trace.
  • Log output can be useful too; sometimes enabling DEBUG logging can help;
  • Your code & configuration files are often useful.

If you wish to contact the developers for other reasons, use Authzforce contact mailing list.



The sources for the manuals are located in fiware repository.


  1. From the develop branch, prepare a release (example using a HTTP proxy):

    $ mvn -Dhttps.proxyHost=proxyhostname -Dhttps.proxyPort=8080 jgitflow:release-start
  1. Update the changelog with the new version according to keepachangelog.com.
  2. Commit
  3. Perform the software release (example using a HTTP proxy):

    $ mvn -Dhttps.proxyHost=proxyhostname -Dhttps.proxyPort=8080 jgitflow:release-finish
If, after deployment, the command does not succeed because of some issue with the branches. Fix the issue, then re-run the same command but with 'noDeploy' option set to true to avoid re-deployment:

    $ mvn -Dhttps.proxyHost=proxyhostname -Dhttps.proxyPort=8080 -DnoDeploy=true jgitflow:release-finish

More info on jgitflow: http://jgitflow.bitbucket.org/

  1. Connect and log in to the OSS Nexus Repository Manager: https://oss.sonatype.org/
  2. Go to Staging Profiles and select the pending repository authzforce-*... you just uploaded with jgitflow:release-finish
  3. Click the Release button to release to Maven Central.
  4. When the artifacts have been successfully published on Maven Central, follow the instructions in the Release section of fiware repository.
  5. Build the Dockerfile by triggering Docker automated build on the current Github release branch in authzforce-ce-server's Docker repository (Build Settings). Check the result in Build Details.
  6. Update the versions in badges at the top of this file.
  7. Create a release on Github with a description based on the release description template, replacing M/m/P with the new major/minor/patch versions.