
⚔️ Declarative object based routing for React Router

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Declarative object based routing for React Router

Codesandbox demo

NPM JavaScript Style Guide


# yarn
$ yarn add react-router-object
# npm
$ npm install react-router-object


This is a basic routes configuration

import React from 'react'
import { BrowserRouter as Router, Route, Switch } from 'react-router-dom'
import { applyPathToRoutesObj, mapRoutesObjToArray } from 'react-router-object'
import Page from './pages/Page'

const routesConfig = {
  // index is a reserved key for root paths
  index: {
    component: () => <Page title="Index" />,
    key: 'index',
    exact: true,
  blog: {
    index: {
      component: () => <Page title="Blog" />,
      key: 'blog',
      exact: true,
    author: {
      component: () => <Page title="Blog > Author" />,
      key: 'blog-author',

// add the path based on the position within the objects keys tree
const routesObj = applyPathToRoutesObj(routesConfig)

// convert the routes object into an array and that's it!
const routesArr = [...mapRoutesObjToArray(routesObj)]

const Routes = () => (
      {routesArr.map(route => (
        <Route {...route} />

export default Routes


Using RoutesObjProvider you can easily access all, and current routes object.

Passes the routes prop containing:

Property Type Description
all object All routes
current object The current route

In your routes setup:

Important - RoutesObjProvider uses withRouter(), so make sure you place the provider inside the <Router>

import { RoutesObjProvider } from 'react-router-object'

const routesObj = applyPathToRoutesObj(routesConfig)

  <RoutesObjProvider routes={routesObj}>
      {routesArr.map(route => (
        <Route {...route} />

Wrap the consuming component with withRoutesObj and that's all!

import { withRoutesObj } from 'react-router-object'

const Page = props => {
  return <h1>{props.title}</h1>

export default withRoutesObj(Page)


MIT © antoniojps