Digital Innovation: Developing a people management system in REST API with Spring Boot

We are going to develop a small system for managing people in a company through a REST API, created with Spring Boot.

  • Initial project setup with Spring Boot Initialzr
  • Creation of data model for mapping entities in databases
  • Development of user management operations (Registering, reading, updating and removing people from a system).
  • Relation of each of the above operations with the REST architectural pattern, and the explanation of each of the REST concepts involved during the project development.
  • Development of unit tests for functionality validation
  • Cloud system deployment through Heroku

To run the project in the terminal, type the following command:

mvn spring-boot:run 

After executing the above command, just open the following address and view the project execution:


Prerequisites for the execution of the developed project:

  • Java 11 or higher versions.
  • Maven 3.6.3 or higher versions.
  • Intellj IDEA Community Edition or your favorite IDE.
  • GIT version control installed on your machine.
  • Account on GitHub to store your project in the cloud.
  • Heroku account to deploy the project to the cloud