
Web-monitoring-app is a small web page monitoring written in node.js, you can monitor changing of a web page. Compatible with Node v8.4.0 and above. it uses repo web-monitoring.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Standard - JavaScript Style Guide

Web-monitoring-app is a small web page monitoring written in node.js, you can monitor changing of a web page. Compatible with Node v8.4.0 and above. it uses repo web-monitoring

How to install

npm install web-monitoring-app -g

Use application

If you want to monitor a page with alert on terminal, use:

web-monitoring-app http://google.com

Parameter overview

Option Shortcut Type Default Description Optional
uri u String [URI] to monitor no
email e [String String String] [yourEmail] [yourPassword] [receiverEmail] yes
telegram t [String String] [yourBotIdWithoutBotPrefix] [yourChatId] yes
labse l Number 5000 yes
percentage p Number percentage of page change (min 0, max 1) yes
loop o Boolean false continue after change detection yes
NumberOfTest n Number 10 number of tests at the beginning yes

if you want to receive alert on email, use:

web-monitoring-app http://google.com -e myname@host.com passwordmyname reciver@host.com

Below are more specific options

web-monitoring-app [uri] -l [lapse of control] -p [percentage of page changing] -t [number of test for calculate automatic percentage of page changing] -e [email sender] [password sender] [email receiver]
web-monitoring-app http://google.com -l 5000 -p 0.1
web-monitoring-app http://google.com -l 5000 -p 0.1 -e myname@host.com passwordmyname reciver@host.com
web-monitoring-app http://google.com -l 5000 -p 0.1 -e myname@host.com passwordmyname reciver@host.com -loop
Without command -loop, the program stop at first page change

If you like to send you a notification via Telegram

web-monitoring-app [uri] -t 123456789:ABCdefOGH1I2Jkl_3nmOp4Q5rstUVwXy6-z 87654321

Note: Use your bot id without "bot" prefix! (123456789 instead of bot123456789) Pleace have a look into the Telegram Bot API how to create a bot and find your chat id.

I recommend setting manually percentage of page change with dynamic pages, 0 is the minimum value, 1 is the maximum value

web-monitoring-app http://google.com -p 0.2



This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details