
A SwiftUI package to display and animate integer numbers

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


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APFlipDigits is a SwiftUI package that lets you create an animated view capable of displaying numbers!

Inspiration came from this article


Default Appearing Cells Negative Number Customization
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Just instantiante a new FlipDigits view, specifying the number you want to display and, eventually, the minimum number of digits the view should display

import APFlipDigits
struct ContentView : View {

  @State private var number : Int = 100
  var body : some View {
    FlipDigits(number: $number, minNumberOfDigits: 3)

You can customize the view specifying a FlipDigitsOptions, like in this example here:

import APFlipDigits
struct ContentView : View {

  @State private var number : Int = 100

  var body : some View {
      number: $number,
      minNumberOfDigits: 3, 
        cellSize: 70,
        cellSpacing: 0,
        cellColor: .blue,
        foregroundColor: .yellow



Xcode Project

You have to select File -> Swift Packages -> Add Package Dependency and enter the repository url https://github.com/antoniopantaleo/APFlipDigits.git

Swift Package Manager

You have to add the package as a dependency in your Package.swift file

let package = Package(
    dependencies: [
        .package(url: "https://github.com/antoniopantaleo/APFlipDigits.git", upToNextMajor(from: "1.0.0")),
