A videogames-based social network
Full documentation about functionality and screenshots available on the file Gameralley.pdf
in this repository
- Create account
- Login
- Logout
- Update info
- Create post
- Edit post
- Delete post
- Upvote
- Add image
- Add genre tag
- Write comments
Genre tags
- Search for a videogames genre or click on the tag in a post
- Send friend request
- Accept friend request
- Remove friend
- Back-end framework:
- Front-end framework:
Semantic UI
- Used libraries:
- Clone this repository with
git clone https://github.com/antoniopelusi/GamerAlley.git
- Move to the
directory inside the project - Create the virtual environment and install all the libraries with
pipenv install django pillow django-allauth
- To activate this project's virtualenv run
pipenv shell
- Set up the database with
python manage.py makemigrations
andpython manage.py migrate
(there is already a database with some profile, posts, comments and relationships to test the website) - Run the server with
python manage.py runserver
In the GamerAlley/GamerAlley
Test the profiles app:
python manage.py test profiles/tests
Test the posts app:
python manage.py test posts/tests
email | password to login in GamerAlley
Admin account: (can enter in the Django admin/
- antoniopelusi@email.com | passwordantonio
User accounts: (only for GamerAlley login)
- marcobianchi@email.com | passwordmarco
- annabianchi@email.com | passwordanna
- valentinorossi@email.com | passwordvale
- giorgiobruni@email.com | passwordgiorgio
- michelagialli@email.com | passwordmichela