A Magic The Gathering database manager
- Install MongoDB
- Install Python
- Install Pymongo:
pip install pymongo
- Install Pandas:
pip install pandas
Work on all Operative Systems
- Start MongoDB service:
service mongod start
- Move to the /mtgb directory
- Run:
python3 mtgdb.py
- | 0 | Exit
- | 1 | Load database
- | 2 | Count cards in the database
- | 3 | Add a new card
- | 4 | Remove existing card
- | 5 | Search card by name
- | 6 | Filter cards by maximum mana cost and color
- | 7 | Retrieves the top 5 cards by power
- | 8 | Find card from description
- | 9 | Check card legalities in a certain format
- | 10 | Drop database