Scripts and modules for training and testing neural network for ECG automatic classification. Companion code to the paper "Automatic diagnosis of the 12-lead ECG using a deep neural network".
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XML and restingecg input
#35 opened by 4lparslan - 0
Problem for the signal amplitude.
#34 opened by CHENJIAR3 - 0
Unable to predict
#33 opened by raghavzns - 3
Is the order of `exam_id ` corresponding to the order of `tracing` in full dataset?
#32 opened by rdyan0053 - 2
request for the full ecg dataset
#31 opened by rdyan0053 - 1
Question about the testing dataset
#30 opened by rdyan0053 - 2
Contradicting input description in Readme
#10 opened by thbender - 0
ValueError: Failed to convert a NumPy array to a Tensor (Unsupported object type int).
#24 opened by somewayin - 3
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Question about training
#15 opened by tsungchima - 2
Error about modifying the input shape
#14 opened by waiyuchan - 11
Database format
#3 opened by IgnacioPizarro - 1
How to convert my csv to hdf5
#13 opened by kannan-sosaley - 1
Why use a convolution kernel of size 16 in this paper?
#11 opened by CN-zdy - 1
Suspicious metrics evaluation
#9 opened by dupeljan - 1
Data preprocessing
#5 opened by jntorres - 3
Results from model not matching table
#4 opened by jntorres - 3
Got an error in running load model
#2 opened by jeremykid