
Simple personal website with your Github projects.

Primary LanguagePHP


Install dependencies:

composer install
npm install

Copy .env.example file to .env:

cp .env.example .env

Generate application key:

php artisan key:generate

Generate a personal access token for your Github account and edit the GITHUB_API_TOKEN variable in the .env file. Then change the database credentials in the same file if they don't match your system and migrate:

php artisan migrate

Data is fetched from Github every thirty minutes, this can be changed at ./app/Console/Kernel.php but you can also run the task anytime using this command:

php artisan schedule:test
# Choose option 0 (Callback)

Check Laravel task scheduling for more information.


npm run build

There's a bug in vite v3.0.2 that messes up the paths for some files when building on Windows. Replace all \\ with / in the ./public_html/build/manifest.json file after building. For example:

# Change this to:

Deploy on Hostinger

Copy all the files in the root directory of your domain.