Vehicle Example API

A sample Rails API for test purposes.

Created using the command above:

rails new vehicles-example-api --database=postgresql --skip-action=mailbox --skip-action-text --skip-spring -T --skip-turbolinks --api

Goals ✓

  • Simple API
  • Authentication
  • Unit tests
  • System tests
  • Stress tests
  • Docs

Helpful commands

# Run any rails command into docker container
docker-compose run --rm app bundle exec rails console

# Test the whole app into docker
docker-compose run -e RAILS_ENV=test --rm app bundle exec rspec

# Test the whole app locally
DATABASE_HOST=localhost bundle exec rspec

# Generate Swagger docs
docker-compose run -e RAILS_ENV=test -e SWAGGER_DRY_RUN=0 --rm app bundle exec rails rswag