
Import Device Tree Information onto your Ghidra memory map

Primary LanguageJava

Ghidra Device Tree Blob


Import Device Tree Information onto your Ghidra memory map. This is usefull when reversing firmware from propietary devices that do not publish SVD files.

If you have SVD files for your device, I recommend you try GhidraSVD.


Go to the releases page and download the latest version for your Ghidra distribution.

In Ghidra main window go to File > Install extensions.... In the new window press the + icon to import the downloaded zip.


In a CodeBrowser window press File > Import DTB....

A file dialog will allow you to select your device tree file and import it. Memory map will automatically be updated.


Development environment

  1. First, install Eclipse for Java Developers.
  2. Once installed, open Eclipse and click on Help > Install New Software.... A window will pop up.
  3. Click on Add... > Archive.... It will open a file selection dialog. In this dialog, please select GhidraDev.zip file from <Your Ghidra install dir>/Extensions/Eclipse/GhidraDev/.
  4. Check Ghidra category (or GhidraDev entry).
  5. Repeatedly click Next.
  6. Accept the terms of the license agreement.
  7. Check the Unsigned table entry and click Trust Selected.
  8. Restart Eclipse...

Importing the project

After all of that, if you still want to develop and/or contribute to the project, first clone this repository:

git clone git@github.com:antoniovazquezblanco/GhidraDeviceTreeBlob.git

In Eclipse:

  1. Click on File > Import....
  2. In the dialog click on General > Projects from Folder or Archive > Next.
  3. Click on Directory... and select the GhidraDeviceTreeBlob folder you have just cloned.
  4. Click on Finish.
  5. Right click on the just imported project GhidraDev > Link Ghidra....
  6. Select your desired Ghidra installation and click on Finish.

You are now ready to develop!