Opinionated starter template site built with NextJS.
- React 18.2.0
- TypeScript Enabled
- Fetches data from the Apollo GraphQL client and includes examples
- Styled-Components
- Global Stylesheets setup with CSS variables
- Theme setup and base configuration
- Neat base Layout and Components structure
- Feedback on route changes -> lightwight CSS progress bar and spinner
- Dark mode / Light mode base implementation
- Google fonts setup
- Hosts and serves images from Cloudinary
First, run the development server:
npm run dev
Visit http://localhost:3000 with your browser to browse the project. The browser pages auto-update as you edit project files.
Tests are written with Cypress. You can find them on ./cypress
. Have fun!
npm run cypress
- Next.js Documentation
- Next.js deployment documentation
- Next.js GitHub repository
- Next.js API routes
- Cypress Testing Docs
- This is a Next.js project bootstrapped with
. - This Dark mode library is cool AF! https://github.com/xeoneux/next-dark-mode
- Styled-Components https://github.com/styled-components/styled-components
- Sanitize.css https://github.com/csstools/sanitize.css
- Easy progress bar and snipper for route changes https://ricostacruz.com/nprogress/
- Tests with Cypress - https://cypress.io