
This repository will have the Transponder and Telemetry software applications.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Africube_software (pi3)

This repository will have the Transponder and Telemetry software applications. Diagram

install software

sudo update
sudo upgrade
sudo apt-get install git python-pip
#sudo pip install afsk
#install librpitx
git clone https://github.com/F5OEO/librpitx
cd librpitx/src
sudo make install
#install CSDR
git clone https://github.com/simonyiszk/csdr.git
cd csdr
./configure  #looks like you dont need to run this any more
sudo make install

Building Gnuradio from scratch

#Create a swap file
sudo fallocate -l 2G /swapfile
sudo chmod 600 /swapfile
sudo mkswap /swapfile
sudo swapon /swapfile

#To make the swap file permanent, add this line to /etc/fstab
/swapfile none swap sw 0 0
See examples/README on the cmake command to run in the build_RP directory for compiling and linking gr-rpitx with Buildroot supporting GNU Radio (configuration files for RPi3 and RPi4 are for example found in the configs directory of https://github.com/oscimp/oscimp_br2_external).

To summarize the content of examples/README, assuming Buildoot is installed in $BUILDROOT and the Raspberry Pi IP address is $IP_RPI:

Install gr-rpitx module for gnuradio

git clone https://github.com/jmfriedt/gr-rpitx.git
cd gr-rpitx

installing gunradio from source (i have to compile gnuradio as I want to add custome modules to gnuradio)

sudo apt update --allow-releaseinfo-change
sudo apt upgrade
sudo apt install git cmake g++ libboost-all-dev libgmp-dev swig python3-numpy \
python3-mako python3-sphinx python3-lxml doxygen libfftw3-dev \
libsdl1.2-dev libgsl-dev libqwt-qt5-dev libqt5opengl5-dev python3-pyqt5 \
liblog4cpp5-dev libzmq3-dev python3-yaml python3-click python3-click-plugins \
python3-zmq python3-scipy libpthread-stubs0-dev libusb-1.0-0 libusb-1.0-0-dev \
libudev-dev python3-setuptools build-essential liborc-0.4-0 liborc-0.4-dev \
sudo apt install python-docutils cairo pygccxml
sudo apt-get remove python-pybind11
pip install python-pybind11
export PATH="/home/pi/.local/bin:$PATH"

check if all works

Block Diagram

MSI input SDR chipset configueration for Sateliite

Importint MSI / sdrplay API dokuments https://www.sdrplay.com/docs/SDRplay_SDR_API_Specification.pdf

API Implimentation MSI (sdrplay rsp1)

static sptr make(double rf_freq, double bw, bool agc_enabled, double if_atten_db, bool dc_offset_mode, bool iq_balance_mode, bool debug_enabled, int if_type, int lo_mode, double sample_rate, int lna_atten_step, std::string device_serial);
if (gain >= 20.0 && gain <= 59.0 && gain != _gRdB)

IF bandwidth

This selects the IF filter. Following bandwidths are available according to MSi001 specs:
  1. 200 kHz <<<<<<<<<<<<
  2. 300 kHz
  3. 600 kHz
  4. 1536 kHz
  5. 5000 kHz
  6. 6000 kHz
  7. 7000 kHz
  8. 8000 kHz

IF Type

This selects the IF frequency between these values:

1) 0 for zero IF
2) 450 kHz: you have to set sample rate to 1792 kHz (7) and use decimation (8) with an infradyne position (9)
3) 1620 kHz: you have to set sample rate to 6400 kHz (7) and use decimation (8) with an infradyne position (9)
4) 2048 kHz: you have to set sample rate to 8192 kHz (7) and use decimation (8) with an infradyne position (9)

Description:A command which converts the sampled IF data obtainedfrom streamed datato I and Q datain a zero IF format.
The functions convertsfrom low IF to zero IF by mixing, filtering and decimating the sampled IF data.

The function will only operate correctly for the parameters detailed in the table below.
|IF Frequency|IF Bandwidth|Input Sample Rate|Output Sample Rate|Decimation Factor|
|450kHz |200kHz |2MS/s |0.5MS/s |4 |
|450kHz |300kHz |2MS/s |0.5MS/s |4 |
|450kHz |600kHz |2MS/s |1MS/s |2 |
|2048kHz |1536kHz |8.192MS/s |2.048MS/s |4 |

Sample rate

You have the choice between various sample rates from 1536 to 8192 kHz. Some values have a special destination: Specifies the sample frequency in MHz, values between 2MHz and 10MHz are permitted. Decimation can be used to obtain lower sample rates.

  1. 1792 kHz: for use with an IF of 450 kHz.
  2. 6400 kHz: for use with an IF of 1620 kHz.
  3. 8192 kHz: for use with an IF of 2048 kHz.

LO Mode Enumerated Type

Select LO Auto This will select the best LO not to have ded spot

AGC Control Enumerated Type

AGC True this is to enable Hardware AGC

Minimum IF Gain

mir_sdr_EXTENDED_MIN_GR = 0,// 0 to 59mir_sdr_NORMAL_MIN_GR = 20// 20 to 59
Select 0 for for no attenuation


Decimation in powers of two from 1 (no decimation) to 64.
## Decimated bandpass center frequency position relative the SDRplay center frequency

Cen: the decimation operation takes place around the SDRplay center frequency Fs
Inf: the decimation operation takes place around Fs - Fc.
Sup: the decimation operation takes place around Fs + Fc.

With SR as the sample rate before decimation Fc is calculated as:

if decimation n is 4 or lower: Fc = SR/2^(log2(n)-1). The device center frequency is on the side of the baseband. You need a RF filter bandwidth at least twice the baseband.
if decimation n is 8 or higher: Fc = SR/n. The device center frequency is half the baseband away from the side of the baseband. You need a RF filter bandwidth at least 3 times the baseband.

IF Attenuator

Exsample for rpitx V2 not (usable on PI 4)

Send Audio from svxlink

in svxlink.conf, [Tx1]
arecord -c1 -r48000 -fS16_LE - | nc -l -u 1233 | csdr convert_i16_f | csdr gain_ff 7000 | csdr convert_f_samplerf 20833 | sudo rpitx -i - -m RF -s 48000 -f YOUR_FREQ

Sending from Gnuradio

In Gnuradio use the block "TCP sink" and select port 8011, localhost, tcp, client
Make sure the -s clock is the same as the Gnuradio
nc -l 8011 | sudo /home/pi/rpitx/rpitx -i- -m IQFLOAT -s 48000 -f 145891 &
The input for transmitter.

Sending IQ Stream from comand line

Usage: sendiq [-i File Input][-s Samplerate][-l] [-f Frequency] [-h Harmonic number]
-i path to File Input
-s SampleRate 10000-250000
-f float central frequency Hz(50 kHz to 1500 MHz),
-l loop mode for file input
-h Use harmonic number
-t IQ type (i16 default) {i16,u8,float,double}
-? help (this help).

Aditional gnuradio addons requerd

gnuradio 3.7
gr-bruninga Requierd for FSK generation for FM telemetry
gr-sdrplay Requierd for MSI miri sdr froned chipset driver
gr-ax25 Requierd for AFSK decoding for command controle
gr-osmosdr (not reqierd any more as it is using to much CPU)

gnuradio-config-info --enabled-components python-support; testing-support; doxygen;sphinx; gnuradio-runtime; gr-ctrlport; gr-blocks; gr-fec; gr-fft; gr-filter; gr-analog; gr-digital; gr-dtv; gr-atsc; gr-audio;

  • alsa;
  • oss;
  • jack;
  • portaudio; gr-comedi; gr-channels; gr-noaa; gr-pager; gr-qtgui; gr-trellis; gr-uhd; gr-utils; gr-video-sdl; gr-vocoder;
  • codec2;
  • freedv;
  • gsm; gr-fcd; gr-wavelet; gr-wxgui; gr-zeromq; gnuradio-companion

Ground Station Configuration.

Link to the Wiki on how to enable a windows telemetry configuration

Decoding the telemetry cw and afsk/aprs


Multimon-ng is a general purpose decoder. It can take wav or raw files and decode a variety of modes among which: CW, AFSK, FSK...

How to CW

The gain is in dB and has a considerable impact on the decoding in the special case of CW. You have to adjust gain to get proper decoding.

Then you must apply on the raw file the proper decoder: multimon-ng -a MORSE_CW -t raw file.raw

How to AFSK

Use multimon-ng with AFSK1200 decoder multimon-ng -t raw -a AFSK1200 $file.raw

You can add more decoders if needed with additionnal "-a" options


Direwolf is a software encoder/decoder for APRS (AX.25). It can take raw files and decode APRS. How to

direwolf -B 1200 -b 16 -n 1 -r 48000 -q hd -t 0 -q h -q d -d p -d t -a 0 - < file.raw


QSSTV is a modem software to send and receive SSTV (Slow Scan Television). Usage

Open QSSTV and specify "Sound>Sound Input: from file" Press the play button and you will be asked to select the previously generated wav file. The decoding should start now. ##WXtoImg

WXtoImg is a program used to produce neat weather pictures from APT format receptions of NOAA satellites.

It uses a .wav file and produces weather picture with possible nice overlays (frontiers, colors...). Usage wxtoimg -t n -e HVC -N 1193773_2019-11-12T07-13-50.wav > 1193773_2019-11-12T07-13-50.png