
Indentation characters and auto set tabstop, shiftwidth, and expandtab for Neovim

Primary LanguageLua


  • native indent line characters
  • auto detect tabs/spaces from buffer content and sets tabstop, shiftwidth, and expandtab
preview of indent character in neovim buffers


-- lazy.nvim
  -- other plugins
    -- optionally
    config = function()
        -- defaults

        -- enable updating indentation characters
        enable_indent_char = true,

        -- character used for space indentation
        indent_space_char = '',

        -- character used for tab indentation
        indent_tab_char = '',

        -- if denty wasn't able to infer indentation of a buffer
        -- this option will be used
        default_space_indentation = 2,

        -- do not update indentation characters in these buffers
        exclude_filetypes = { 'help', 'packer', 'lazy', 'markdown' },


Once the setup function was called you no longer have to do anything. denty will detect what indent characters are used in your buffer and apply settings accordingly

If you do not want to use for indent characters you can pass disable_indent_char = true to setup function

You can highlight them using NonText highlighting group.


This plugin uses builtin vim functionality listchars to draw indentation levels. For this reason empty lines do not have an indentation character(screenshot below). If you want these, you can check out nvimdev/indentmini.nvim. Wrapped lined also won't have indentation character.

Screenshot 2023-10-14 at 14 32 06