
A couple of eye-tracking scripts to prepare files for EyeLink 1000 eye-tracker and EyeTrack 0.7.1 program. Originally written by Alan Mishler in 2010.

The instruction for ow to use them are in the headers of the scripts. The modifications I have made are:

  1. added two command line parameters to specify the experiment introduction text:
  • --intro-file FILENAME. FILENAME specifies the name of the file containing the intro text at a single line. New lines for the eye-tracker software to display should be specified explicitly with "\n".
  • --intro-text TEXT. TEXT is a single line (quoted) with the intro text. Again, new lines should be specified explicitly with "\n". This option is mostly useful if you call from another script.
  1. there was the following bug. If you have N conditions in the experiment, then the Latin Square order for the N-th participant would be 8, regardless of what N is (and even if N < 8). Fixed.