
A basic node js interface for watson conversation

Primary LanguageCSS

Node.js Starter Overview

The Node.js Starter demonstrates a simple, reusable Node.js web application based on the Express framework.

Run the app locally

  1. Install Node.js

  2. Clone this repo

  3. cd into the nodebot directory

  4. Run npm install to install the app's dependencies

  5. Make a copy of the config/credentials-template.json file and call it credentials.json

  6. From your Bluemix Watson Conversation Service make a copy of the config credentials Watson Config Credentials

  7. Paste the Watson Config credentials into your credentials.json file

  8. From your Watson Conversation Workspace copy the workspace id Watson Workspace ID

  9. Write that ID into the bot.js file: var conversationWorkspace = "y o u r i d g o e s h e r e";

  10. Run node app to start the app

  11. Access the running app in a browser at the url indicated at the node command line