
A yelp chatbot ...

Primary LanguageJavaScript


An experiment with Watson Conversation, Watson Natural Language and Yelp

Primarily, this is a Watson Conversation chatbot that you can ask questions about food and restauarants to.

For instance: 'find me pizza', or 'I feel like steak'

Secondarily it is an app that uses a conversation model to understand mentions of food, and classifications of food from a twitter stream.

Video overview

Click the image to see a video overview of the app

Video Overview of Outpost


You can read more about the motivation for the app in a couple of posts that I wrote for the IBM Blog

Run the app locally

  1. Install Node.js if necessary
  2. Clone this repo locally
  3. cd into the outpost directory
  4. Run npm install to install the app's dependencies
  5. Create a service instance of Watson Conversation
  6. Create a service instance of Watson Natural Language Understanding
  7. Create an API key for Twitter
  8. Create an API key for Yelp
  9. Create an API key for Eventbrite
  10. Rename the credentials-template.json file to be credentials.json and update with the values from each of the services above
  11. Upload the conversation/outpost.json file to the watson conversation workspace
  12. Run node app to start the app
  13. Access the running app in a browser at http://localhost:6001