As messaging protocols and distributed systems enthusiast, I'm all about optimizing performance and driving innovation. With extensive experience with the main cloud providers, containers and orchestration technologies like Kubernetes, I enjoy tackling modern data challenges and exploring new ways to scale solutions mission-critical applications. I'm always eager to learn new things and expand my skillset, which is why I'm currently exploring Rust as a new programming language. I'm also passionate about contributing to open-source projects that align with my expertise and career aspirations.

I have a strong sense of my goals as Principal Software Engineer, summarized in My Thoughts on the Principal Role article.

Tech Community

I know I've been very lucky so I try to contribute back sharing my learnings in my blog, speaking at local and international technology conferences and organizing technology events, groups and other activities:

  • VigoJUG co-organizer of the Vigo Java User Group since 2017.
  • CoruñaJUG co-organizer of the Coruña Java User Group since 2018.
  • LaretasGeek is a virtual panel and podcast about technology with focus on Java (discontinued).
  • Streaming Annotated Newsletter: the last news and interesting articles about streaming platforms and processing frameworks each month in your mailbox (discontinued).

I've received some awards during my career:

Social profile

  • Sharing open source side projects and ideas in GitHub.
  • Tinkering with interactions on Twitter.
  • My professional experience in LinkedIn.
  • Sharping my coding skills on Exercism.
  • Reading books on Goodreads.