Embed Domo Java Example

This is an example of how to distribute Embed Domo Widgets using Java so it can control the authentication and authorization out of Domo. There are similar examples for other languages in the official Embed Domo documentation.

Run and test

Edit application.yml with your client-in and secret.

Launch it with mvn spring-boot:run.

Call the API with the EmbedID of your widget:

curl localhost:8080/domo/ej73l

You can use the authorization field to show the widget. For example, using this HTML template replacing <EMBED-ID> and <AUTHORIZATION-TOKEN>:

      <form id="form" action="https://public.domo.com/cards/<EMBED-ID>" method="post">
        <input type="hidden" name="embedToken" value='<AUTHORIZATION-TOKEN>'>


Open it with your browser and it should show the Domo widget.