
My general vim configuration

Primary LanguageVim Script

Discontinued in favor of https://github.com/antonmry/dotfiles/blob/master/dot_vimrc


The Vim configuration I'm using in my laptop.

0. What is this?

A bunch of scripts, plugins and more to configure in seconds my local vim.

1. Install runtime:

Fork the repo, and then clone it to ~/.vim_antonmry_runtime. Once done, just run installation script:

git clone git@github.com:antonmry/vim.git ~/.vim_antonmry_runtime
sh ~/.vim_antonmry_runtime/bin/install

NOTE: You system's Vim configuration will NOT be changed i.e. it is safe to install.

2. Run your newly installed Vim configuration:

Remember that your system's Vim config files remain untouched? During installation .vimrc.antonmry is created. Let's use it:

vim -u ~/.vimrc.antonmry

And btw, nothing prevents you from creation of a handy alias in your .bash_aliases:

alias vim='vimx -u ~/.vimrc.antonmry'

You can also define your custom settings in ~/.vim_antonmry_runtime/custom_config.vim the runtime will try to load this file - so feel free to remap keys as you see necessary!

If you know some plugin that will enhance this setup and thus should be included - submit a PR