
Raku package for Stoichiometry procedures and related data. Chemical elements data, chemical equations balancing. Multi-language support.

Primary LanguageRakuArtistic License 2.0Artistic-2.0

Raku Chemistry::Stoichiometry

Build Status License: Artistic-2.0

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This repository is with Raku package for Stoichiometry procedures and related data. The primary functionalities are:

  • Calculation of molecular masses for chemical compound formulas

  • Chemical equations balancing

  • Multi-language support

Here are corresponding examples:

use Chemistry::Stoichiometry;

say molecular-mass('SO2');
# 64.058
say balance-chemical-equation('C2H5OH + O2 = H2O + CO2');
# [1*C2H5OH + 3*O2 -> 2*CO2 + 3*H2O]

The package has also functions for chemical element data retrieval and functions that convert between chemical names, symbols/abbreviations, and atomic numbers.

Here are a couple of examples:

say atomic-number('actinium');
# 89
say chemical-symbol('ガリウム');
# Ga

Remark: Multiple languages can be used for the names of the chemical elements. The corresponding functions automatically detect the language.

Remark: At this point the package has standard element names in the following languages:

my Chemistry::Stoichiometry::ResourceAccess $resources.instance;
say $resources.get-language-names-data.keys.sort;
# (Arabic Bulgarian Chinese Czech English German Greek Japanese Korean Persian Polish Portuguese Russian Spanish)

Adding new languages can be easily done by adding CSV files into the resources directory.

Related work

The package "Chemistry::Elements" developed by Brian D. Foy, [BF1], also has functions that convert between chemical names, symbols/abbreviations, and atomic numbers. (Several languages are supported.)

Mathematica / Wolfram Language (WL) has the function ElementData, [WRI1].

In 2007 I wrote the original versions of the chemical equation balancing and molecular functionalities in WolframAlpha. See for example this output.


Package installations from both sources use zef installer (which should be bundled with the "standard" Rakudo installation file.)

To install the package from Zef ecosystem use the shell command:

zef install Chemistry::Stoichiometry

To install the package from the GitHub repository use the shell command:

zef install https://github.com/antononcube/Raku-Chemistry-Stoichiometry.git

Element data retrieval

Element data records

Element data of one or several elements can be obtained with the function chemical-element-data:

say chemical-element-data('Cl');
# {Abbreviation => Cl, AtomicNumber => 17, AtomicWeight => 35.45, Block => p, Group => 17, Name => chlorine, Period => 3, Series => Halogen, StandardName => Chlorine}
.say for chemical-element-data(['H', 'Li', 'Na', 'K', 'Rb', 'Cs', 'Fr']);
# {Abbreviation => H, AtomicNumber => 1, AtomicWeight => 1.008, Block => s, Group => 1, Name => hydrogen, Period => 1, Series => Nonmetal, StandardName => Hydrogen}
# {Abbreviation => Li, AtomicNumber => 3, AtomicWeight => 6.94, Block => s, Group => 1, Name => lithium, Period => 2, Series => AlkaliMetal, StandardName => Lithium}
# {Abbreviation => Na, AtomicNumber => 11, AtomicWeight => 22.98976928, Block => s, Group => 1, Name => sodium, Period => 3, Series => AlkaliMetal, StandardName => Sodium}
# {Abbreviation => K, AtomicNumber => 19, AtomicWeight => 39.0983, Block => s, Group => 1, Name => potassium, Period => 4, Series => AlkaliMetal, StandardName => Potassium}
# {Abbreviation => Rb, AtomicNumber => 37, AtomicWeight => 85.4678, Block => s, Group => 1, Name => rubidium, Period => 5, Series => AlkaliMetal, StandardName => Rubidium}
# {Abbreviation => Cs, AtomicNumber => 55, AtomicWeight => 132.90545196, Block => s, Group => 1, Name => cesium, Period => 6, Series => AlkaliMetal, StandardName => Cesium}
# {Abbreviation => Fr, AtomicNumber => 87, AtomicWeight => 223, Block => s, Group => 1, Name => francium, Period => 7, Series => AlkaliMetal, StandardName => Francium}

Element names

say chemical-element('Cl');
# Chlorine
say chemical-element('Cl', 'Russian');
# Хлор

Chemical element names can be obtained using the function chemical-element-data with the adverbs :name or :standard-name:

say chemical-element-data('Cl'):name;
# Chlorine
say chemical-element-data('Cl'):standard-name;
# Chlorine

Element symbols / abbreviations

say chemical-symbol('oxygen');   # 'O' from English
# O
say chemical-symbol('кислород'); # 'O' from Bulgarian
# O

Chemical element abbreviations can be obtained using the function chemical-element-data with the adverbs :symbol or :abbr:

say chemical-element-data('oxygen'):symbol;         # 'O' from English
# O
say chemical-element-data('кислород'):abbr;         # 'O' from Bulgarian
# O

Note, that chemical-element will automatically detect the language.

Atomic numbers

say atomic-number('Cl');
# 17
say atomic-number('actinium');  # from the English name of Ac
# 89
say atomic-number('берилий');   # from the Bulgarian name of Be
# 4

Alternatively, chemical-element-data can be used with the adverbs :number or :atomic-number:

say chemical-element-data('Cl'):number;
# 17
say chemical-element-data('Cl'):atomic-number;
# 17

Atomic weights

say atomic-weight('Se');
# 78.971
say atomic-weight('ガリウム');  # from the Japanese name of Ga
# 69.723

Alternatively, chemical-element-data can be used with the adverbs :weight or :atomic-weight:

say chemical-element-data('Cl'):weight;
# 35.45
say chemical-element-data('Cl'):atomic-weight;
# 35.45

Stoichiometry procedures

The functions molecular-mass and balance-chemical-equation are based on a parser for Simplified Molecular-Input Line-Entry System (SMILES), [OS1].

Molecular mass

Molecular mass for a compound:

say molecular-mass('SO2');
# 64.058

Molecular masses of the sides of a chemical equation:

say molecular-mass('C2H5OH + O2 -> H2O + CO2');
# 78.06700000000001 => 62.024

Note that the masses in the output above are different because the equation is not balanced.

Equation balancing

For a given chemical equation the function balance-chemical-equation returns a list of balanced equations.

say balance-chemical-equation('C2H5OH + O2 = H2O + CO2');
# [1*C2H5OH + 3*O2 -> 2*CO2 + 3*H2O]
say balance-chemical-equation( 'K4Fe(CN)6 + H2SO4 + H2O = K2SO4 + FeSO4 + (NH4)2SO4 + CO' );
# [6*H2O + 6*H2SO4 + 1*K4Fe(CN)6 -> 3*(NH4)2SO4 + 6*CO + 1*FeSO4 + 2*K2SO4]

Remark: The result of the balancing is a list because certain chemical equations can be balanced in several ways corresponding to different reactions.

Abstract syntax tree

Here is a way to get Abstract Syntax Tree of a (parse-able) molecule formula:

my $cf = 'K4Fe(CN)6';
say Chemistry::Stoichiometry::Grammar.parse( $cf );
# 「K4Fe(CN)6」
#  mult-molecule => 「K4Fe(CN)6」
#   molecule => 「K4Fe(CN)6」
#    sub-molecule => 「K4」
#     chemical-element-mult => 「K4」
#      chemical-element => 「K」
#       K-stoichiometry => 「K」
#      number => 「4」
#    sub-molecule => 「Fe」
#     chemical-element => 「Fe」
#      Fe-stoichiometry => 「Fe」
#    sub-molecule => 「(CN)6」
#     group-mult => 「(CN)6」
#      group => 「(CN)」
#       molecule => 「CN」
#        sub-molecule => 「C」
#         chemical-element => 「C」
#          C-stoichiometry => 「C」
#        sub-molecule => 「N」
#         chemical-element => 「N」
#          N-stoichiometry => 「N」
#      number => 「6」


In order of importance, most important are first:

  1. TODO Extensive tests:

    • TODO Chemical data retrieval

    • TODO Chemical compound formulae parser

    • TODO Molecular mass calculation

    • TODO Chemical equation balancing

  2. DONE Chemical element names translation function. (Say, from Bulgarian to Persian.)

  3. TODO Inverse look-up from atomic weight to chemical element(s).

  4. TODO Extensive documentation.

  5. TODO Handling of semicolon separated input.

    • TODO For the data functions. E.g. atomic-weight('Cl; O; Mn').

    • TODO For the parser-interpreter functions. E.g. molecular-mass('FeSO4; H2O; CO2').

  6. DONE Parsing of (pre-)balanced chemical equations.

  7. TODO Recognition of chemical compound names.

    • This requires the development of a separate chemical entities package.
  8. TODO Element data in more languages.

    • DONE Chinese Traditional
    • TODO Chinese Simplified
    • DONE Czech
    • DONE Korean
    • DONE Portuguese (PT)
    • TODO Portuguese (BR)
    • TODO Other


[BF1] Brian D. Foy, Chemistry::Elements Raku package, (2016-2018), GitHub/briandfoy.

[CJ1] Craig A. James, OpenSMILES specification, (2007-2016), OpenSMILES.org.

[WRI1] Wolfram Research, ElementData, Wolfram Language function, (2007), (updated 2014), Wolfram Language System Documentation Center.