
Raku package with data reshaping functions for different data structures (full arrays, Red tables, Text::CSV tables.)

Primary LanguageRakuArtistic License 2.0Artistic-2.0

Raku Data::Reshapers

SparkyCI Build Status License: Artistic-2.0

This Raku package has data reshaping functions for different data structures that are coercible to full arrays.

The supported data structures are:

  • Positional-of-hashes
  • Positional-of-arrays

The five data reshaping provided by the package over those data structures are:

  • Cross tabulation, cross-tabulate
  • Long format conversion, to-long-format
  • Wide format conversion, to-wide-format
  • Join across (aka SQL JOIN), join-across
  • Transpose, transpose

The first four operations are fundamental in data wrangling and data analysis; see [AA1, Wk1, Wk2, AAv1-AAv2].

(Transposing of tabular data is, of course, also fundamental, but it also can be seen as a basic functional programming operation.)

Usage examples

Cross tabulation

Making contingency tables -- or cross tabulation -- is a fundamental statistics and data analysis operation, [Wk1, AA1].

Here is an example using the Titanic dataset (that is provided by this package through the function get-titanic-dataset):

use Data::Reshapers;

my @tbl = get-titanic-dataset();
my $res = cross-tabulate( @tbl, 'passengerSex', 'passengerClass');
say $res;
# {female => {1st => 144, 2nd => 106, 3rd => 216}, male => {1st => 179, 2nd => 171, 3rd => 493}}
# +--------+-----+-----+-----+
# |        | 2nd | 3rd | 1st |
# +--------+-----+-----+-----+
# | female | 106 | 216 | 144 |
# | male   | 171 | 493 | 179 |
# +--------+-----+-----+-----+

Long format

Conversion to long format allows column names to be treated as data.

(More precisely, when converting to long format specified column names of a tabular dataset become values in a dedicated column, e.g. "Variable" in the long format.)

my @tbl1 = @tbl.roll(3);
.say for @tbl1;
# {id => 671, passengerAge => 30, passengerClass => 3rd, passengerSex => male, passengerSurvival => died}
# {id => 1256, passengerAge => -1, passengerClass => 3rd, passengerSex => male, passengerSurvival => died}
# {id => 796, passengerAge => -1, passengerClass => 3rd, passengerSex => male, passengerSurvival => died}
.say for to-long-format( @tbl1 );
# {AutomaticKey => 0, Value => male, Variable => passengerSex}
# {AutomaticKey => 0, Value => 30, Variable => passengerAge}
# {AutomaticKey => 0, Value => died, Variable => passengerSurvival}
# {AutomaticKey => 0, Value => 671, Variable => id}
# {AutomaticKey => 0, Value => 3rd, Variable => passengerClass}
# {AutomaticKey => 1, Value => male, Variable => passengerSex}
# {AutomaticKey => 1, Value => -1, Variable => passengerAge}
# {AutomaticKey => 1, Value => died, Variable => passengerSurvival}
# {AutomaticKey => 1, Value => 1256, Variable => id}
# {AutomaticKey => 1, Value => 3rd, Variable => passengerClass}
# {AutomaticKey => 2, Value => male, Variable => passengerSex}
# {AutomaticKey => 2, Value => -1, Variable => passengerAge}
# {AutomaticKey => 2, Value => died, Variable => passengerSurvival}
# {AutomaticKey => 2, Value => 796, Variable => id}
# {AutomaticKey => 2, Value => 3rd, Variable => passengerClass}
my @lfRes1 = to-long-format( @tbl1, 'id', [], variablesTo => "VAR", valuesTo => "VAL2" );
.say for @lfRes1;
# {VAL2 => died, VAR => passengerSurvival, id => 1256}
# {VAL2 => male, VAR => passengerSex, id => 1256}
# {VAL2 => 3rd, VAR => passengerClass, id => 1256}
# {VAL2 => -1, VAR => passengerAge, id => 1256}
# {VAL2 => died, VAR => passengerSurvival, id => 671}
# {VAL2 => male, VAR => passengerSex, id => 671}
# {VAL2 => 3rd, VAR => passengerClass, id => 671}
# {VAL2 => 30, VAR => passengerAge, id => 671}
# {VAL2 => died, VAR => passengerSurvival, id => 796}
# {VAL2 => male, VAR => passengerSex, id => 796}
# {VAL2 => 3rd, VAR => passengerClass, id => 796}
# {VAL2 => -1, VAR => passengerAge, id => 796}

Wide format

Here we transform the long format result @lfRes1 above into wide format -- the result has the same records as the @tbl1:

to-pretty-table( to-wide-format( @lfRes1, 'id', 'VAR', 'VAL2' ) );
# +-------------------+----------------+--------------+------+--------------+
# | passengerSurvival | passengerClass | passengerSex |  id  | passengerAge |
# +-------------------+----------------+--------------+------+--------------+
# |        died       |      3rd       |     male     | 1256 |      -1      |
# |        died       |      3rd       |     male     | 671  |      30      |
# |        died       |      3rd       |     male     | 796  |      -1      |
# +-------------------+----------------+--------------+------+--------------+


Using cross tabulation result above:

my $tres = transpose( $res );

to-pretty-table($res, title => "Original");
# +--------------------------+
# |         Original         |
# +--------+-----+-----+-----+
# |        | 1st | 2nd | 3rd |
# +--------+-----+-----+-----+
# | female | 144 | 106 | 216 |
# | male   | 179 | 171 | 493 |
# +--------+-----+-----+-----+
to-pretty-table($tres, title => "Transposed");
# +---------------------+
# |      Transposed     |
# +-----+--------+------+
# |     | female | male |
# +-----+--------+------+
# | 1st |  144   | 179  |
# | 2nd |  106   | 171  |
# | 3rd |  216   | 493  |
# +-----+--------+------+

Type system

Earlier versions of the package implemented a type "deduction" system. Currently, the type system is provided by the package "Data::TypeSystem", [AAp1].

The type system conventions follow those of Mathematica's Dataset -- see the presentation "Dataset improvements".

Here we get the Titanic dataset, change the "passengerAge" column values to be numeric, and show dataset's dimensions:

my @dsTitanic = get-titanic-dataset(headers => 'auto');
@dsTitanic = @dsTitanic.map({$_<passengerAge> = $_<passengerAge>.Numeric; $_}).Array;
# (1309 5)

Here is a sample of dataset's records:

to-pretty-table(@dsTitanic.pick(5).List, field-names => <id passengerAge passengerClass passengerSex passengerSurvival>)
# +-----+--------------+----------------+--------------+-------------------+
# |  id | passengerAge | passengerClass | passengerSex | passengerSurvival |
# +-----+--------------+----------------+--------------+-------------------+
# | 743 |      40      |      3rd       |     male     |      survived     |
# | 157 |      40      |      1st       |     male     |        died       |
# | 659 |      0       |      3rd       |    female    |      survived     |
# | 228 |      20      |      1st       |    female    |      survived     |
# | 738 |      20      |      3rd       |     male     |        died       |
# +-----+--------------+----------------+--------------+-------------------+

Here is the type of a single record:

use Data::TypeSystem;
# Struct([id, passengerAge, passengerClass, passengerSex, passengerSurvival], [Str, Int, Str, Str, Str])

Here is the type of single record's values:

# Tuple([Atom((Str)), Atom((Str)), Atom((Int)), Atom((Str)), Atom((Str))])

Here is the type of the whole dataset:

# Vector(Struct([id, passengerAge, passengerClass, passengerSex, passengerSurvival], [Str, Int, Str, Str, Str]), 1309)

Here is the type of "values only" records:

my @valArr = @dsTitanic>>.values>>.Array;
# Vector((Any), 1309)

Here is the type of the string values only records:

my @valArr = delete-columns(@dsTitanic, 'passengerAge')>>.values>>.Array;
# Vector(Vector(Atom((Str)), 4), 1309)


  1. DONE Simpler more convenient interface.

    • Currently, a user have to specify four different namespaces in order to be able to use all package functions.
  2. TODO More extensive long format tests.

  3. TODO More extensive wide format tests.

  4. TODO Implement verifications for:

    • See the type system implementation -- it has all of functionalities listed here.

    • DONE Positional-of-hashes

    • DONE Positional-of-arrays

    • DONE Positional-of-key-to-array-pairs

    • DONE Positional-of-hashes, each record of which has:

      • Same keys
      • Same type of values of corresponding keys
    • DONE Positional-of-arrays, each record of which has:

      • Same length
      • Same type of values of corresponding elements
  5. DONE Implement "nice tabular visualization" using Pretty::Table and/or Text::Table::Simple.

  6. DONE Document examples using pretty tables.

  7. DONE Implement transposing operation for:

    • hash of hashes
    • hash of arrays
    • array of hashes
    • array of arrays
    • array of key-to-array pairs
  8. DONE Implement to-pretty-table for:

    • hash of hashes
    • hash of arrays
    • array of hashes
    • array of arrays
    • array of key-to-array pairs
  9. DONE Implement join-across:

    • DONE inner, left, right, outer
    • DONE single key-to-key pair
    • DONE multiple key-to-key pairs
    • DONE optional fill-in of missing values
    • TODO handling collisions
  10. DONE Implement semi- and anti-join

  11. TODO Implement to long format conversion for:

    • TODO hash of hashes
    • TODO hash of arrays
  12. TODO Speed/performance profiling.

    • TODO Come up with profiling tests
    • TODO Comparison with R
    • TODO Comparison with Python
  13. TODO Type system.

    • DONE Base type (Int, Str, Numeric)
    • DONE Homogenous list detection
    • DONE Association detection
    • DONE Struct discovery
    • TODO Enumeration detection
    • DONE Dataset detection
      • List of hashes
      • Hash of hashes
      • List of lists
  14. DONE Refactor the type system into a separate package.

  15. DONE "Simple" or fundamental functions

    • flatten
    • take-drop
    • tally
      • Currently in "Data::Summarizers".
      • Can be easily, on the spot, "implemented" with .BagHash.Hash.



[AA1] Anton Antonov, "Contingency tables creation examples", (2016), MathematicaForPrediction at WordPress.

[Wk1] Wikipedia entry, Contingency table.

[Wk2] Wikipedia entry, Wide and narrow data.

Functions, repositories

[AAf1] Anton Antonov, CrossTabulate, (2019), Wolfram Function Repository.

[AAf2] Anton Antonov, LongFormDataset, (2020), Wolfram Function Repository.

[AAf3] Anton Antonov, WideFormDataset, (2021), Wolfram Function Repository.

[AAf4] Anton Antonov, RecordsSummary, (2019), Wolfram Function Repository.

[AAp1] Anton Antonov, Data::TypeSystem Raku package, (2023), GitHub/antononcube.


[AAv1] Anton Antonov, "Multi-language Data-Wrangling Conversational Agent", (2020), YouTube channel of Wolfram Research, Inc.. (Wolfram Technology Conference 2020 presentation.)

[AAv2] Anton Antonov, "Data Transformation Workflows with Anton Antonov, Session #1", (2020), YouTube channel of Wolfram Research, Inc..

[AAv3] Anton Antonov, "Data Transformation Workflows with Anton Antonov, Session #2", (2020), YouTube channel of Wolfram Research, Inc..