
An opinionated format for git commit messages


An opinionated format for git commit messages

The format for git commit messages is as follows: action(area): message. The area is the part of the project your commit relates to, for example a component name - use a '*' for something that affects everything


  • feat - general work that is noticeable via the project's intended audience (ie. if it's a website, something that affects something visible)
  • fix - something that fixes something
  • chore - general work that does not affect the the project's intended audience (back end stuff, etc.)
  • refactor - any refactoring work (i.e. nothing is added - stuff is moved around)
  • docs - documentation
  • note - internal commenting
  • todo - added todo tags
  • bug - added bug tags
  • hack - added hack tags (and/or did something hack-y that's meant to be replaced later)


  • feat(posts): admin can now create posts
  • fix(login): fixed bug with login form
  • chore(*): done some laborious upgraded to something that affects everything
  • refactor(navbar): moved the navbar into its own partial view file
  • semantics(*): added a load of comments
  • hack(ideas): i'm not happy with this, but it works (for now)
  • docs(*): added comments about comments about comments about...
  • todo(blog): remove things that aren't supposed to be there