
UPDATE: we're now primarily on the /cb repo.

Primary LanguagePython

##UPDATE: We've switched over to this repo: https://github.com/lpatmo/cb. Please join us there!

Production URL: http://hangouts.codebuddies.org

===== We (all volunteers) are building a better Google Hangout scheduler tool for people who want to find study partners and learn web development together by screen sharing and talking code/talking about what they've built/working through coding exercises together. This application is built in flask, a light-weight web framework for python. Anyone can contribute to this open-sourced project.

##Background http://www.codebuddies.org


Here's how you can set up this app on your own machine:

####Make sure python is installed on your machine.

####Install virtualenv.

$ sudo easy_install virtualenv

####This next step creates a new python virtual environment called "codebuddies-flask."

$ virtualenv —-no-site-packages codebuddies-flask

####Move into the codeboddies-flask folder you just created.

$ cd codebuddies-flask

####This is what you type to activate the virtualenv. Later on, when you want to get out of the virtualenv, type $ deactivate.

$ source bin/activate

####Fork the repo by clicking on the "fork" button on the upper right-hand corner. Next, run $git clone {{PATH}}.git on the repo you forked so that you can push to your own copy of the repo on your own github profile.

Now you need to install a couple of dependencies within your app. After you $ cd into the 'app' directory, run the following:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

####To run the app, type the following and then copy/paste the resulting URL into your browser.

$ python run.py 

Remember to run $ git pull frequently. Please submit a pull request if you'd like to submit any changes.