Money transactions service

There is a simple transactions service. Implemented authorization via login and password. User can have several valets. Implemented transactions between wallets with 1.5% commission. Multiple currencies supported(BTC, ETH).

Project created for demo purposes, not ready for production usage.


You need to implement a backend application that would allow users to transfer funds between wallets. On every transaction, the system will need to take a commission of 1.5%.

  • Create a relational database schema

  • Upon application start, the database should be populated with sample data (e.g several wallets that can be used to transfer funds between)

  • The system should support two currency: BTC and ETH

  • Create a REST endpoint that can be used to transfer funds

  • Provide a docker-compose.yml that can be used to run your solution by just doing ​docker-compose up

Run with docker

1 . Clone repository:

git clone

2 . Run docker compose:

cd money-transactions-service
docker-compose up

3 . Load data:

docker-compose exec php-fpm php bin/console sample-data:load

4 . Health check:

curl --request GET \


1 . Health check.

curl --request GET \

2 . Create transaction from user 1 to user 2

curl --request POST \
  --url \
  --header 'content-type: application/json' \
  --header 'password: user1' \
  --header 'username:' \
  --data '{
	"source": 1,
	"destination": 3,
	"amount": 1

2 . Create transaction from user 2 to user 1

curl --request POST \
  --url \
  --header 'content-type: application/json' \
  --header 'password: user2' \
  --header 'username:' \
  --data '{
	"source": 3,
	"destination": 1,
	"amount": 1

3 . Dashboard

curl --request GET \

DB connection

Host: localhost

Database: transactions

User: transactions

Password: transactions


docker-compose exec php-fpm ./vendor/bin/simple-phpunit


  • I have problems with running tests in docker container, trying to resolve. For now, I run tests locally. There are only functional tests. I would need more time for unit tests implementation.

  • I use float for price. I think, it's not the best approach, but I think, it's out of scope for this task. I would use some specific doctrine type, or some php library for money processing.

  • For now there are no access tokens, I use email/password for authentication