sprops is small library for encoding and decoding property files or simple string data.
Motivation for this project was to have possibility to store secret data like passwords together with sources or have it stored somewhere else publicly.
Property file with encoded properties are protected with one password. This must be provided 'secretly' but this one only.
This is command line tool for manipulating the property files. Tool can be build by building this project.
Than you can use it for encoding and decoding properties in property file
Lets have simple property file like
than you can call
/tmp/aaa> java -jar sprops-tool.jar -fencode passwords.properties main.db.password
INF main command to execute FileEncodeCommand
Enter password:
INF c.fenc Property: 'main.db.password'
INF c.fenc Encoding string from: 'xxxx'
INF c.fenc to: 'sprops:AAAAIBnzWe9H8rJtXVsOtBApsVC74BldooOGHOu4h1GJWuMpMpWXnD3b/vYurPjmHYM1Ww=='
INF main command FileEncodeCommand execution done.
and property looks like
you can than call
/tmp/aaa> java -jar sprops-tool.jar -fdecode passwords.properties main.db.password
INF main command to execute FileDecodeCommand
Enter password:
INF c.fdec Property: 'main.db.password'
INF c.fdec Encoding string from: 'sprops:AAAAIBnzWe9H8rJtXVsOtBApsVC74BldooOGHOu4h1GJWuMpMpWXnD3b/vYurPjmHYM1Ww=='
INF c.fdec to: 'xxxx'
INF main command FileDecodeCommand execution done.
and property looks like
There are also other options you can see it with --help option.
Encoded file can be used in application
String password = .....
Properties encodedProps = .....
PropertiesEncoder encoder = PropertiesEncoder.instance(password);
String decodedProperty = encoder.getProperty("property.name");
Properties decodedProps = encoder.decode();
You can use
String password = .....
String text = .....
SimpleEncoder encoder = SimpleEncoder.instance(password);
String encodedString = encoder.encode(text);
String decodedString = encoder.decode(encodedString);
If you are using spring boot and you want to have encoded properties provide as SB property. An easy way is copy the properties to System properties at wery first moment of starting application
Properties props = .....
.map("main.db.password", "spring.datasource.password")
.map("email.server.password", "myapp.notifier.password");