
Useful snippets for developing in React (Javascript and Typescript)

Primary LanguageVim SnippetApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


A collection of common Javascript and Typescript vim snippets for developing React applications. The snippets within this repo rely on UltiSnips as the snippet provider.


I recommend using a package manager such as vim-plug to install your vim packages.

call plug#begin('~/.vim/plugged')
Plug 'SirVer/ultisnips'
Plug 'mlaursen/vim-react-snippets'
call plug#end()

You can always see my full .vimrc for my Javascript/Typescript configuration and setup.

Javascript Example

Javascript Example

Typescript Example

Typescript Example

Hooks Example

Hooks Example

Table of Contents


I will list the current supported snippets below and their implementation. I recommend checking out the full source files in the UltiSnips folder to see the full tabstop locations. The examples below will use $TABSTOP or $NAME to indicate that there is a tabstop or a tabbable/replaceable variable. Finally, if you see $CFN or $CFN_, it will be the Current File Name (the trailing underscore will not be included, it is just added to show separation when something else follows it).


Shortcut Expands To
pt.a React.PropTypes.array
pt.ar React.PropTypes.array.isRequired
pt.b React.PropTypes.bool
pt.br React.PropTypes.bool.isRequired
pt.f React.PropTypes.func
pt.fr React.PropTypes.func.isRequired
pt.nu React.PropTypes.number
pt.nur React.PropTypes.number.isRequired
pt.o React.PropTypes.object
pt.or React.PropTypes.object.isRequired
pt.s React.PropTypes.string
pt.sr React.PropTypes.string.isRequired
pt.no React.PropTypes.node
pt.nor React.PropTypes.node.isRequired
pt.e React.PropTypes.element
pt.er React.PropTypes.element.isRequired
pt.ao React.PropTypes.arrayOf
pt.aor React.PropTypes.arrayOf.isRequired
pt.io React.PropTypes.instanceOf
pt.ior React.PropTypes.instanceOf.isRequired
pt.oo React.PropTypes.objectOf
pt.oor React.PropTypes.objectOf.isRequired
pt.sh React.PropTypes.shape
pt.shr React.PropTypes.shape.isRequired

Class Components (Javascript)

React Class Export

rce ->

import React, { Component } from "react"

export default class $CFN extends Component {
  constuctor(props) {

    this.state = {}

  render() {
    return null

React Class Component

rcc ->

class $CFN extends Component {
  render() {
    return null

React Class Constructor

rcon ->

constructor(props) {

  this.state = {}

Static PropTypes

spt ->

static propTypes = {

Static Default Props

sdp ->

static defaultProps = {

React Class Function (arrow bound class function)

rcf ->


Function Components (Javascript)

Function Component Export

fce ->

import React from "react"

const $CFN = (props) => {
  return null

export default $CFN

Simple Function Component Export

sfce ->

import React from "react"

const $CFN = () => {
  return null

export default $CFN

Forwarded Function Component Export

ffce ->

import React, { forwardRef } from "react"

const $CFN = forwardRef(function $CFN(props, ref) {
  return <div ref={ref}></div>

export default $CFN

Component PropTypes

cpt ->

$CFN.propTypes = {

Component Default Props

cdp ->

$CFN.defaultProps = {

React Lifecycle (Javascript)

Get Derived State from props

gds ->

static getDerivedStateFromProps(nextProps, prevState) {
  return null

Get Derived state from Error

gde ->

static getDerivedStateFromError(error) {
  return null

Component Did Mount

cdm ->

componentDidMount() {

Should Component Update

scu ->

shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState) {

Get Snapshot Before Update

gsbu ->

getSnapshotBeforeUpdate(prevProps, prevState) {

Component Did Update

cdu ->

componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState, $SNAPSHOT) {

Component Did Catch

cdc ->

componentDidCatch(error, info) {

Component Will Unmount

cwum ->

componentWillUnmount() {

Hooks and Effects (Javascript)


useS ->

const [$STATE, set$STATE] = useState($TABSTOP)


useE ->

useEffect(() => {
}, [$TABSTOP])

useEffect async

useEA ->

useEffect(() => {
  let cancelled = false

  ;(async function $DOWORK() {
    // async work here
    if (cancelled) {


  return () => {
    cancelled = true
}, [$TABSTOP])


useC ->

const context = useContext($TABSTOP)

or inline:

return useC ->

return useContext($TABSTOP)


useRed ->

const [$STATE, $DISPATCH] = useReducer($REDUCER, $NULL)


useCB ->

const $CALLBACK = useCallback(($TABSTOP) => {
}, [$TABSTOP])


useM ->

const $MEMOIZED = useMemo(() => {
}, [$TABSTOP])


useR ->

const $REF = useRef($TABSTOP)


useI ->

useImperitiveHandle($REF, () => ({
}), [$TABSTOP])


useL ->

useLayoutEffect(() => {
}, [$TABSTOP])


useDV ->


General Redux (Javascript)

mirrored const

mc ->

const $THING = "$THING"


useD ->

const dispatch = useDispatch()

or inline:

const dispatch = useD ->

const dispatch = useDispatch()


useSL ->

const $VALUE = useSelector(($STATE) => $SELECTOR)

or inline:

const checked = useSL ->

const checked = useSelector(($STATE) => $SELECTOR)

Redux Toolkit (Javascript)


cs ->

const { actions, reducer } = createSlice({
  name: "$CFN",
  initialState: $TABSTOP,
  reducers: {

export createSlice

esc ->

import { createSlice } from "@reduxjs/toolkit"

const { actions, reducer } = createSlice({
  name: "$CFN",
  initialState: $TABSTOP,
  reducers: {

export const { $TABSTOP } = actions

export default reducer

create prepare reducer

cpr ->

	reducer(state, action) {
	prepare($TABSTOP) {
		return { payload: { $TABSTOP } }


cat ->

export const $TABSTOP = createAsyncThunk("$TABSTOP", async ($TABSTOP) => {

or inline:

export const doThing = cat ->

export const doThing = createAsyncThunk("$TABSTOP", async ($TABSTOP) => {

General Built-Ins (Javascript)

jsdoc comment

/** ->


Class Components (Typescript)

React Class Export

rce ->

import React, { Component } from "react"

export default class $CFN extends Component {
  public render() {
    return null

React Class Export with Prop interface

rcep ->

import React, { Component } from "react"

export interface $CFN_Props {}

export default class $CFN extends Component<$CFN_Props> {
  public render() {
    return null

React Class Export with Props and State

rceps ->

import React, { Component } from "react"

export interface $CFN_Props {}

export interface $CFN_State {}

export default class $CFN extends Component<$CFN_Props, $CFN_State> {
  constructor(props: $CFN_Props) {

    this.state = {}

  public render() {
    return null

React Class Component

rcc ->

class $CFN extends Component {
  public render() {
    return null

React Class Constructor

rcon ->

constructor(props: $CFN_Props) {

  this.state = {}

Static PropTypes

spt ->

public static propTypes = {

Static Default Props

sdp ->

public static defaultProps = {

Static Default Props Typed

sdpt ->

public static defaultProps: DefaultProps = {

React Class Function (arrow bound class function)

rcf ->


Function Components (Typescript)

Note: These are different than the Javascript versions on purpose and use the function syntax instead of a "const + arrow function".

Function Component Export

fce ->

import React, { ReactElement } from "react"

export interface $CFN_Props {}

export function $CFN(props: $CFN_Props): ReactElement | null {
  return null

Function Component Default Export

fcde ->

import React, { ReactElement } from "react"

export interface $CFN_Props {}

export default function $CFN(props: $CFN_Props): ReactElement | null {
  return null

Simple Function Component Export

sfce ->

import React, { ReactElement } from "react"

export function $CFN(): ReactElement | null {
  return null

Simple Function Component Default Export

sfcde ->

import React, { ReactElement } from "react"

export default function $CFN(): ReactElement | null {
  return null

Forwarded Function Component Export

ffce ->

import React, { forwardRef } from "react"

export interface $CFNProps {

export const $CFN = forwardRef<HTML$TABSTOPElement, $CFN_Props>(function $CFN(
) {
  return <div ref={ref}></div>

Forwarded Function Component Default Export

ffcde ->

import React, { forwardRef } from "react"

export interface $CFNProps {

export default forwardRef<HTML$TABSTOPElement, $CFN_Props>(function $CFN(
) {
  return <div ref={ref}></div>

Component PropTypes

cpt ->

$CFN.propTypes = {

Component Default Props

cdp ->

$CFN.defaultProps = {

Component Default Props Typed

cdpt ->

const defaultProps: DefaultProps = {

$CFN.defaultProps = defaultProps

React Lifecycle (Typescript)

Get Derived State from props

gds ->

static getDerivedStateFromProps(nextProps: $CFN_Props, prevState: $CFN_State) {
  return null

Get Derived state from Error

gde ->

static getDerivedStateFromError(error: Error) {
  return null

Component Did Mount

cdm ->

componentDidMount() {

Should Component Update

scu ->

shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps: $CFN_Props, nextState: $CFN_State) {

Get Snapshot Before Update

gsbu ->

getSnapshotBeforeUpdate(prevProps: $CFN_Props, prevState: $CFN_State) {

Component Did Update

cdu ->

componentDidUpdate(prevProps: $CFN_Props, prevState: $CFN_State, $SNAPSHOT) {

Component Did Catch

cdc ->

componentDidCatch(error: Error, info: ErrorInfo) {

Component Will Unmount

cwum ->

componentWillUnmount() {

React Event Types (Typescript Only)

Shortcut Expands to
me event: MouseEvent<HTMLButtonElement>
te event: TouchEvent<HTMLButtonElement>
ke event: KeyboardEvent<HTMLInputElement>
che event: ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>
fe event: FocusEvent<HTMLElement>
foe event: FormEvent<HTMLInputElement>
meh MouseEventHandler<HTMLButtonElement>
teh TouchEventHandler<HTMLButtonElement>
keh KeyboardEventHandler<HTMLInputElement>
cheh ChangeEventHandler<HTMLInputElement>
feh FocusEventHandler<HTMLInputElement>
foeh FormEventHandler<HTMLElement>

Note: The event: and Button/Input parts are a tabstop which can be removed or changed.

General Redux (Typescript)

mirrored const

mc ->

const $THING = "$THING"


useDS ->

const dispatch: $AppDispatch = useDispatch()

useAppDispatch (Typescript Only)

useD ->

const dispatch = useAppDispatch()

or inline:

const dispatch = useD ->

const dispatch = useAppDispatch()


useSL ->

const $VALUE = useSelector(($STATE: AppState) => $SELECTOR)

or inline:

const checked = useSL ->

const checked = useSelector(($STATE: AppState) => $SELECTOR)

useAppSelector (Typescript Only)

useAS ->

const $VALUE = useAppSelector(($STATE) => $SELECTOR)

or inline:

const checked = useAS ->

const checked = useAppSelector(($STATE: AppState) => $SELECTOR)

Ref<E | null> (Typescript Only)

reft ->

export type $TABSTOP = Ref<$TABSTOP_Element | null>

or inline:

export type SomeRef = reft ->

export type SomeRef = Ref<$TABSTOP_Element | null>

MutableRefObject<E | null> (Typescript Only)

mro ->

export type $TABSTOP = MutableRefObject<$TABSTOP_Element | null>

or inline:

export type SomeRef = mro ->

export type SomeRef = MutableRefObject<$TABSTOP_Element | null>

RefCallback<E | null> (Typescript Only)

refcb ->

export type $TABSTOP = RefCallback<$TABSTOP_Element | null>

or inline:

export type SomeRef = refcb ->

export type SomeRef = RefCallback<$TABSTOP_Element | null>

Redux Toolkit (Typescript)


cs ->

const { actions, reducer } = createSlice({
  name: "$CFN",
  initialState: $TABSTOP,
  reducers: {

export createSlice

ecs ->

import { createSlice } from "@reduxjs/toolkit"

const { actions, reducer } = createSlice({
  name: "$CFN",
  initialState: $TABSTOP,
  reducers: {

export const { $TABSTOP } = actions

export default reducer

create prepare reducer

cpr ->

	reducer(state, action: $PayloadAction<$TABSTOP>) {
	prepare($TABSTOP) {
		return { payload: { $TABSTOP } }


cat ->

export const $TABSTOP = createAsyncThunk("$TABSTOP", async ($TABSTOP) => {

or inline:

export const doThing = cat ->

export const doThing = createAsyncThunk("$TABSTOP", async ($TABSTOP) => {

Hooks and Effects (Typescript)


useS ->

const [$STATE, set$STATE] = useState$TABSTOP($TABSTOP)


useE ->

useEffect(() => {
}, [$TABSTOP])

useEffect async

useEA ->

useEffect(() => {
  let cancelled = false

  ;(async function $DOWORK(): Promise<$VOID> {
    // async work here
    if (cancelled) {


  return () => {
    cancelled = true
}, [$TABSTOP])


useC ->

const context = useContext$TABSTOP($TABSTOP)

or inline:

return useC ->

return useContext$TABSTOP($TABSTOP)


useRed ->

const [$STATE, $DISPATCH] = useReducer<typeof $REDUCER>($REDUCER, $NULL)

useReducer Untyped

useRedUT ->

const [$STATE, $DISPATCH] = useReducer($REDUCER, $NULL)


useCB ->

const $CALLBACK = useCallback(($TABSTOP) => {
}, [$TABSTOP])


useM ->

const $MEMOIZED = useMemo(() => {
}, [$TABSTOP])


useR ->

const $REF = useRef$TABSTOP(TABSTOP)


useI ->

useImperitiveHandle($REF, () => ({
}), [$TABSTOP])


useL ->

useLayoutEffect(() => {
}, [$TABSTOP])


useDV ->


General Built-Ins (Typescript)

reduce to type (Typescript Only)

re ->

Normally would be something like list.re ->

reduce<$TABSTOP>(($RESULT, $VALUE) => {

  return $RESULT
}, {})
// ^^ is a $TABSTOP

jsdoc comment

/** ->



Shortcut Expands to
rc const packageName = require('package-name')
rcn const { nested } = require('package-name')
imp import packageName from 'package-name'
impf import File from './File'
impn import { nested } from 'package-or/path'
impa import * as Thing from 'package-or/path'
impp import './file'
icn import cn from 'classnames'
ism import styles from './$CFN.module.scss'


Shortcut Expands to
exp export { default } from './CurrentFolder'
expf export File from './File'
expn export { nested } from 'package-or/path
expa export * from 'package-or/path'
expd export { default as Thing } from './Thing'


Shortcut Expands to
cl console.log($TABSTOP)
clv console.log('variable: ', variable)
ce console.error($TABSTOP)
cev console.error('variable: ', $TABSTOP)
cw console.warn($TABSTOP)
cwv console.warn('variable: ', $TABSTOP)
ct console.table($TABSTOP)
cd console.debug($TABSTOP)
cdv console.debug('variable: ', $TABSTOP)


Shortcut Expands to
dev process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production"
prod process.env.NODE_ENV === "production"

Tests (Javascript and Typescript)

React Test File

rtf ->

import React from "react"
import { render } from "@testing-library/react"

import $CFN from "../$CFN"

describe("$CFN", () => {
  it("should $TABSTOP", () => {

Note: typescript will do import { $CFN } from "./$CFN" since I prefer non-default exports in typescript

React Hooks Test File

rhtf ->

import React from "react"
import { renderHook } from "@testing-library/react-hooks"

import $TABSTOP from "../$CFN"

describe("$CFN", () => {
  it("should $TABSTOP", () => {

Describe a test

desc ->

describe('$CFN', () => {
  it('should $TABSTOP', () => {

it should...

it ->

it("should $TABSTOP", () => {

it should (async)...

ait ->

it("should $TABSTOP", async () => {

Test todo

todo ->

it.todo("should $TABSTOP")

expect snapshot

es ->
