
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


In this project, we propose a novel pipeline that combines a face verification model with face augmentation methods for the task of one-shot face verification. The target application is face verification on event images to ensure privacy of visitors. The pipeline is tested for augmentations in pose, illumination and expression using the Multi-PIE and RaFD datasets. We show that our method can increase recall significantly, but that this is dependent on the quality of augmentations. We furthermore provide insight as to where and why the pipeline might fail. Using n-shot learning to recognize faces under various augmentations.

Made by Micha de Groot, Pieter Kronemeijer, Anton Steenvoorden, Douwe van der Wal and Laurens Weitkamp (all equal contribution)

Full report

MultiPIE filename structure


PersonID:   The ID number of the person, between 001-346 (but there are be 337 in total...)
sessionID:  Either 01, 02, 03 or 04
viewpoint:  One out of ['051', '080', '140', '190', '041', '130', '050'], see image below for details
lighting:   One out of ['02', '07', '12', '17']
                    '02': left side of face illuminated
                    '07': front side of face illuminated
                    '12': right side of face illuminated
                    '17': all sides of face illuminated
expression: 0: neutral
            1: happy
pitch:      Pitch (looking up/down) of the head added with postprocessing (augmented)
            Always of the form `p<angle>`, e.g., `p15` or `p-30`
            Angles include [-60, -45, -30, -15, 0, 15, 30, 45, 60]
yaw:        Yaw (looking left/right) of the head added with postprocessing (augmented)
            Always of the form `y<angle>`, e.g. `y15` or `y-30`
            Angles include [-60, -45, -30, -15, 0, 15, 30, 45, 60]
roll:       Roll of the head, currently always `r0`
illumination_direction: Direction of the augmented illumination
                        Values are always preceded with `il`, e.g., `il0`, `il1`
                        Values: 0: no lighting change
                                1: left lighting
                                2: right lighting
                                3: front lighting
illumination_intensity: Intensity of the augmented illumination
                        Values are always preceded with `in`, e.g., `in0`, `in10`
                        Values: 0:  low intensity
                                10: low intensity
                                35: medium intensity
                                60: clipping intensity
glasses:                Boolean whether glasses are augmented or not (NOTE: target can have glasses when this
                        is set to 0, this _only_ indicates augmented glasses!)
                        Values: 0: no glasses augmented
                                1: glasses augmented, type:  Gerret Light
                                                      color: Midnight Fox

viewpoint details

RaFD filename structure

Check RafD FAQ here The filenames code all image features in the following way, here as example


VL2 = "000" # -90 (right side visible) VL1 = "045" # -45 (right side visible) VN = "090" # 0 (frontal view) VR1 = "135" # 45 (left side visible) VR2 = "180" # 90 (left side visible)

value explanation range
090 refers to the camera angle ['000', '045', '090', '135', '180'], meaning (in degrees) respectively: [-90, -45, 0, 45, 90]
28 model number 1 to 73 (inclusive), except [34, 66, 6, 13, 17, 62]
Caucasian ethnicity of model ['Kid', 'Caucasian', 'Moroccan']
male gender of model ['female', 'male']
angry emotion ['happy', 'contemptuous', 'disgusted', 'fearful', 'neutral', 'angry', 'surprised', 'sad']
frontal gaze direction ['right', 'frontal', 'left']