
Downloads Vimeo videos in MPEG-DASH format

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Downloads Vimeo videos in MPEG-DASH format


node vimeo-dash-downloader.js [OPTS] MDP_JSON_URL



Print debug output to stdout. Default is false


If true, concat segments immediately into a file named [id].mp4 where [id] is the value of "id" in the video object. Individual segments are not saved. If false, saves the individual segments with the naming scheme [id]-segment-[segment_id].m4s except for the initializer which is an mp4. Default is false


Output directory for the downloaded files. Default is the current working directory



URL of the master.json file. Play the Vimeo video with the network tab of your browser's web inspector open and look for segment-[digit].m4s requests. Find the request URL and select everything up to the end of /video/[digits]/ (including this portion). (With regexes, /^(.+\/video\/\d+\/)/). Append master.json to the end and provide the whole string as the argument. This JSON file is saved locally as master.json


node vimeo-dash-downloader.js --concat=true https://skyfiregce-a.../video/463799389/master.json