
Recyclerview for unity

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Recycler View for Unity

This is an untiy adaption for the current recycler view base on Android. Recycler View Official Documentation

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Unity Package

What is RecyclerView?

When we are working on a phone we usually don't want to keep too much memory in the heap. A large element list could cause severe errors and performance problems. In order to fix this isssue we can use a Recycler View (list with pooling). During the scroll we are going to keep just a small list instead of the full data set, improving a lot the performance.

How to create the ReyclerView?

We have two options:

Option 1

Right click on the hierarchy. And press UI/RecyclerView

Image 1

A new dialog box will display. Choose your name and press "Create".

Image 2

Once you added it, you'll see a template file like this one:

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class RecyclerView : UI.RecyclerView<RecyclerView.Holder>.Adapter {

    public override int GetItemCount()
        throw new System.NotImplementedException();

    public override void OnBindViewHolder(Holder holder, int i)
        throw new System.NotImplementedException();

    public override GameObject OnCreateViewHolder()
        throw new System.NotImplementedException();

    public class Holder : ViewHolder
        public Holder(GameObject itemView) : base(itemView)

Option 2

Just create the class and extend it to UI.RecyclerView.Adapter. ViewHolder needs to extend from the class ViewHolder insde of RecyclerView.

How to use the ReyclerView?

You can check the ExampleAdapter I've created for this tutorial. In order to use it we have to complete following the methods:

GetItemCount needs to return the number of items in your list.

public override int GetItemCount()

OnCreateViewHolder must return a copy from your row. (You could use Instantiate(GameObject) for expample)

public override GameObject OnCreateViewHolder()

OnBindViewHolder is going to bind our holder. So in here you need to populate the row.

public override void OnBindViewHolder(Holder holder, int i)


  • Orientation: We can modify the list orientation. (Vertical or Horizontal)
  • Spacing: Space between rows.
  • IsReverse: Set the list in reverse order.
  • decelerationRate: Change the deceletarion rate of the scrolling.
  • PoolSize: The size of the pool. (If you are not sure about it don't overwrite it)
  • CacheSize: The size of the cache. (If you are not sure about it don't overwrite it)

Public Methods


  • NotifyDatasetChanged: You must call this method after the data set was modified.
  • ScrollBy: Scroll by a given float value from 0 to 1 where 0 is the beggining and 1 is the end.
  • ScrollTo: Scroll to the given position.
  • SmothScrollTo: Smoth scroll to the given position.


  • GetAdapterPosition: Get the current position for that view holder.

Unity inspector

Image 3