
Demonstration of TSQL support in InterSystems IRIS. Checkers game

Primary LanguageObjectScriptMIT LicenseMIT

TSQL Checkers

The game is a port of TSQL Checkers written by Steve Wint for SQL Server 2000. You can get the original script here http://www.stevewint.com Tested on InterSystems Cache' and InterSystems IRIS.

alt text

Quick installation for existing IRIS instance

Instructions below assume that you already have InterSystems IRIS installed. If not - the easiest way to try it would be to pull the InterSystems IRIS Community Edition Docker Image and follow the setup instructions.

In IRIS terminal USER>

!wget -O /tmp/checkers.tar.gz https://github.com/antonum/TSQL-Checkers/archive/master.tar.gz && tar -xvf /tmp/checkers.tar.gz -C /tmp
do $system.OBJ.LoadDir("/tmp/TSQL-Checkers-master/src/","ck",,1)
do ^checkers

Quick installation with Docker Compose and InterSystems IRIS Community Edition

$ git clone https://github.com/antonum/TSQL-Checkers.git
$ docker-compose up -d
$ docker-copmose exec iris iris session iris
USER>do ^checkers

See also

For more information on InterSystems IRIS support for Transact-SQL (TSQL), SQL Server and Sybase to IRIS Migration tools see Transact-SQL (TSQL) Migration Guide

Hints if the original docu is unavailable

  • Rules are standard rules of Checker
  • Moves are done by entering start and target coordinates e.g. F2E1 or f2e1 also f2-e1
  • An invalid move results in +11^checker
  • Don't worry enter GOTO or simply G to continue with a valid move.
  • If your opponent reaches the bottom line and gets a KING it is totally paralized and can't move it anymore (Seems to be a bug)
  • So it'S hard not to be a winner.

Remember the focus is on TSQL support