
Personal opinion about sqlboiler


  • Everything is configurable, which allows for a lot of flexibility
  • Documentation for most common use-cases seems well written


  • Everything being configurable is a double-edged sword. Not all options are well documented and it can be difficult to figure out how to configure something
  • Only TOML is officially supported for configration, which I personally find quite confusing to use
  • Doesn't seem to support PostGIS well and/or is severely lacking documentation on how to use spatial types
  • Not a fan of generating the models based on the actual database (which can be dirty)
  • Overall seems too complex compared to other options out there

Generating models

# Boot up development environment
$ docker compose up

# Run tests so the database migrations have been applied
$ docker compose exec dev ./run-test.sh

# Generate new models based on the latest state of the database
$ docker compose exec bash -c 'go generate'