
Build browser extensions with Svelte (early prototype)

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Adapter for SvelteKit which turns your app into a cross-platform browser extension.


Install with npm i -D sveltekit-adapter-browser-extension, then add the adapter to your svelte.config.js.

Some additional configuration is required for this adapter to work - you need to (1) set appDir to something without an underscore and (2) tell kit to prerender its pages by default:

// svelte.config.js
import adapter from 'sveltekit-adapter-browser-extension';

export default {
	kit: {
		adapter: adapter({
			// default options are shown
			pages: 'build', // the output directory for the pages of your extension
			assets: undefined, // the asset output directory is derived from pages if not specified explicitly
			fallback: undefined, // set to true to output an SPA-like extension
			manifestVersion: 3 // the version of the automatically generated manifest (Version 3 is required by Chrome).
		appDir: 'ext', // This is important - chrome extensions can't handle the default _app directory name.
		prerender: {
			default: true

Try it

An example barebone app exists at ./example-app. You can npm run build here and install the extension.

To try with your own app:

Install the adapter and npm run build. Go to your browser's extension page and install unpacked extension - point it at the build directory within your app.

If you get an error about _app being a disallowed folder, delete _app from within the build dir. It appears there sometimes and I'm not sure why - I'll fix as soon as possible!


To specify your own manifest information (it will be merged with the generated one), simply have a manifest file local within your app directory.


I am looking for help to build and maintain this module. Roadmap is:

  • Specifying the type of extension via config
  • Allowing icons and such to be driven by configuration
