
A Java library of the Schema.org ontology built using OWL to Java and the OWL definition from Schema.org.

Primary LanguageJavaMozilla Public License 2.0MPL-2.0


build checks commit activity last commit

A Java library of the Schema.org ontology built using OWL to Java and the OWL definition from Schema.org.


OWL to Java currently:

  • Builds a skeleton project


  • (a bulleted list of bugs)


  • Build with Java 18 and Kotlin 1.7.x
  • Generate Java 8 compatible source and Java 8 compatible library
  • Run tests in Java 8
  • Use a generate-source phase
  • Compile java source
  • Tests to validate a sample of objects
  • Automated tests to walk the object graph
  • generate in ./src/main/java and commit
  • Versioning policy, auto increment and release.
  • License dependency extraction
  • Consider progress against GitHub badges e.g. https://github.com/detekt/detekt
  • Publish Schema.org library Jar
  • Publish: Release 1.0.0 to GitHub packages
  • Java Docs for output
  • Automate library updates
  • Automate OWL file updates
  • Contributor guidelines
  • Library Launch: Release to Maven Central

See also


TODO: Build with tests which generate Java Sources and walk object graph:

 % git clone <owl-to-java>
 % cd <owl-to-java>
 % gradle build publishToMavenLocal  
 % cd ../libchemaorg
 % gradle build

Regenerate sources then build

 % gradle clean
 % rm -f ./src/main/java/uk/co/polycode/ontology/lib/org/schema/Person.java
 % find ./src -name 'Person.*'
 % gradle regenerate
 % find ./src -name 'Person.*'
 % gradle build
 % find ./build -name 'Person.*'

Debugging an empty class list by examining OWL to Java's logging at debug level:

 gradle regenerate --info --debug | grep 'classMap'
2022-06-14T00:22:25.727+0200 [DEBUG] [uk.co.polycode.owltojava.OwlParser] Initial classMap has 10 classes
2022-06-14T00:22:26.569+0200 [DEBUG] [uk.co.polycode.owltojava.OwlParser] Classes in classMap after adding classes for fields: 81
2022-06-14T00:22:27.111+0200 [DEBUG] [uk.co.polycode.owltojava.OwlParser] Classes in classMap after adding classes for fields: 220
2022-06-14T00:22:27.114+0200 [DEBUG] [uk.co.polycode.owltojava.OwlParser] Classes in classMap after translating OwlClassRefs to OwlClasses: 220
2022-06-14T00:22:27.136+0200 [DEBUG] [uk.co.polycode.owltojava.RegenerateOntologyTaskDelegate] There are 220 classes in the classMap with primitives
2022-06-14T00:22:27.136+0200 [DEBUG] [uk.co.polycode.owltojava.RegenerateOntologyTaskDelegate] There are 211 classes in the classMap (after primitives were filtered)

 % gradle clean build

Access secrets (See https://github.com/antonycc/openssl-keypair-encryption):

 % ls -l gradle.properties
ls: gradle.properties: No such file or directory
 % ./open-ssl-pk-enc.sh list-recipients                                           
[recipients/] antonycc@libschemaorg (PEM is available locally in /Users/antony/.ssh)
 % ./open-ssl-pk-enc.sh decrypt
 <passphase for your key>
 recipient_key_encrypted = "antonycc@libschemaorg.key.bin.enc"
Decrypting "antonycc@libschemaorg.archive.tar.enc" with public key "/Users/antony/.ssh/antonycc@libschemaorg.pem"
x antonycc@libschemaorg.key.bin.enc
x antonycc@libschemaorg.archive.tar.enc
Enter pass phrase for /Users/antony/.ssh/antonycc@libschemaorg.pem:
*** WARNING : deprecated key derivation used.
Using -iter or -pbkdf2 would be better.
bytes read   :     2080
bytes written:     2048
x gradle.properties
 % ls -l gradle.properties
 -rw-r--r--  1 antony  staff  80 Jun 21 18:50 gradle.properties

The first 20 lines of Person Java object generated from a Parsed Schema.org OWL Schema describing humanity:

 % head -20 ./build/generated-sources/uk/co/polycode/org/schema/Person.java
package uk.co.polycode.org.schema;

import java.lang.String;
import java.time.ZonedDateTime;

 * A person (alive, dead, undead, or fictional).
public class Person extends Thing {
	 * Where to find the definition of the OWL Class used to generate this Java class.
	public String isDefinedBy = "https://schema.org/Person";

	 * An additional name for a Person, can be used for a middle name.
	public String additionalName;


TODO: Running the viewer from Person

\--location: Address
\--\--streetName: String
\--\--postcode: String
\--dateOfBirth: Date


libschemaorg uses Trunk based Development https://www.flagship.io/git-branching-strategies/#trunk-based-development

An alternate branching strategy is likely to be required when there are multiple committers. While a low volume of commits and committers remains we have two paths to contribute to this project:

  • Contact me via my GitHub profile (->website -> LinkedIn) and ask to be added to this project.
  • Fork the repository then create a pull request.

Request a feature

To request a new feature:

  1. Add an item to the TODO list

(see above for paths to contribute to this project).

Add a feature

To add a new feature:

  1. Pick a feature from this README.md
  2. Create at least one test for the feature, cut and paste the TODO list item into the test comment
  3. Build using gradle build
  4. Commit code which passes gradle clean check -PsafeBuildMode=false
  5. Get the commit hash using git rev-parse HEAD and add it to the test KDoc.


     *  The Viewer should render a Person and Address
     *  @since("Commit hash: e66cfd2dedd09bb496ac852a630ee1fb00fake00")
    fun testExpectedClassViewerOutput() {
        // truncated...


Licence - libschemaorg

libschemaorg is released under the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0:

 * libschemaorg builds Source Code from the Schema.org OWL file
 * Copyright (C) 2022  Antony Cartwright, Polycode Limited
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0 for more details.

Licence - Schema.org

libschemaorg uses the Schema from Schema.org which is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License (version 3.0): https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ Schema.org Version 14.0 is currently used and this can be downloaded from https://schema.org/docs/schemaorg.owl ( Release archive: https://github.com/schemaorg/schemaorg/tree/main/data/releases/14.0/ ) The following files are copies of or derivatives of Schema.org schemas:

./src/test/resources/schemaorg.owl - Schema.org Version 14.0: copy of https://schema.org/docs/schemaorg.owl

Java objects generated from these files are referenced in libschemaorg source code and tests

Licence - OWL to Java

libschemaorg uses OWL to Java which released under the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.

Licence - Oké: Openssl public-private Keypair Encryption wrapper

Oké: Openssl public-private Keypair Encryption wrapper is released under The Unlicense. The following file is copied from Oké:
