
A demonstration of a voting system using NEO Smart Conracts on a private blockchain consensus network

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A demonstration of a voting system using NEO Smart Contracts on a private block-chain consensus network

Technologies used

  • Python
  • Docker
  • NEO Block-chain Smart Contracts
  • neo-python

Current features

  • Run a NEO private network and attach a wallet from the command line
  • Deploy a simple NEO SmartContract on the private block-chain and invoke it
  • Deploy a poll NEO SmartContract enforcing one for vote per poll per address


In a chronological order (suggested only) and broken into work packages.


  • Images in README
  • Consistent return type
  • Review links for duplicates and redundant sources
  • Expose REST API on monitor node
  • Consume REST API with Browser page
  • Deploy to test net
  • Consensus container configured for Wifi distributed private net
  • Create Vagrant VM hosting everything with smart contract samples deployed
  • Re-brand as "Neapolitan"

Code hygiene:

  • Unit tests
  • PEP-8 checker

Closed polls:

  • Retain poll creator and allow creator to set fixed selection list
  • Poll creator, creates wallet addresses for the selections


  • Change the notification wallet to a lite wallet suitable for embedding in an native app
  • Deploy to test net with apps connected via a lite wallet




Useful addresses:

  • NEO: c56f33fc6ecfcd0c225c4ab356fee59390af8560be0e930faebe74a6daff7c9b
  • GAS: 602c79718b16e442de58778e148d0b1084e3b2dffd5de6b7b16cee7969282de7

Demo steps

Start network

Download and start private net and two neo nodes:

$ docker pull cityofzion/neo-privatenet
$ docker pull cityofzion/neo-python
$ # To kill all instances on this host: docker kill $(docker ps -q)

Start private net and two NEO nodes on different terminals and connect.

4 Node NEO consensus network:

tty1 $ docker run --rm -d --name neo-privatenet -p 20333-20336:20333-20336/tcp -p 30333-30336:30333-30336/tcp cityofzion/neo-privatenet
tty1 $ docker exec -it neo-privatenet /bin/bash
tty1 root@neo-python:/neo-python# screen -ls
tty1 root@neo-python:/neo-python# screen -r node1
<ctrl-a> d
tty1 root@neo-python:/neo-python#
# To stop:
# $ docker ps | grep private
# $ docket kill <the.leftmost.number>

NEO monitor node with root wallet:

tty2 $ docker run --rm -it --net=host -v $(pwd):/neo-python/sc -h neo-python --name neo-python cityofzion/neo-python /bin/bash
tty2 root@neo-python:/neo-python# np-prompt -p -v
tty2 neo> open wallet neo-privnet.wallet
tty2 neo> wallet
... truncated ...
    "height": 9366,
    "percent_synced": 100,
    "synced_balances": [
        "[NEO]: 100000000.0 ",
        "[NEOGas]: 74679.9999 "
    "public_keys": [
            "Address": "AK2nJJpJr6o664CWJKi1QRXjqeic2zRp8y",
            "Public Key": "031a6c6fbbdf02ca351745fa86b9ba5a9452d785ac4f7fc2b7548ca2a46c4fcf4a"
... truncated ...

NEO client with new wallet

tty3 $ docker run --rm -it --net=host -v $(pwd):/neo-python/sc -h neo-python-client --name neo-python-client cityofzion/neo-python /bin/bash
tty3 root@neo-python:/neo-python# np-prompt -p -v
tty3 neo> create wallet neo-client.wallet
[password]> ********** <"ababababab">                                                                    
[password again]> ********** <"ababababab">
... truncated ...
    "height": 0,
    "percent_synced": 0,
    "synced_balances": [],
    "public_keys": [
            "Address": "AaP232YEsqkptMrjsNfLCateZquXwFADLQ",
            "Public Key": "02e22be69743d53e0650ddad7384c31354c04e75dbf9b614da08e4ea042225de0b"
... truncated ...

Private network

Fund the client wallet from the root wallet with NEO and GAS:

tty2 neo> open wallet neo-privnet.wallet
tty2 neo> wallet
... truncated ...
    "synced_balances": [
        "[NEO]: 100000000.0 ",
        "[NEOGas]: 74679.9999 "
... truncated ...
tty2 neo> send NEO <neo-client.wallet address> 10000
tty2 neo> send GAS <neo-client.wallet address> 5000 
tty2 neo> wallet
... truncated ...
    "synced_balances": [
        "[NEO]: 99990000.0 ",
        "[NEOGas]: 69679.9999 "
... truncated ...

Observe the updated client wallet:

tty3 neo> open wallet neo-client.wallet
... truncated ...
    "synced_balances": [
        "[NEO]: 10000.0 ",
        "[NEOGas]: 5000.0 "
    "public_keys": [
            "Address": "AaP232YEsqkptMrjsNfLCateZquXwFADLQ",
            "Public Key": "02e22be69743d53e0650ddad7384c31354c04e75dbf9b614da08e4ea042225de0b"
... truncated ...

Deploy and test contract

Build and test a contract using the NEO prompt:

tty3 neo># config sc-events on
tty3 neo># build sc/sc/hello-world.py test '' 01 False False False
tty3 neo> 

Build then import a contract and supply meta-data:

tty3 neo> build sc/sc/hello-world.py
tty3 neo> import contract sc/sc/hello-world.avm '' 01 False False False
[Contract Name] > hello-world01                                                          
[Contract Version] > 0.0.1                                                           
[Contract Author] > client                                                                     
[Contract Email] > client@local                                                                        
[Contract Description] > Hello World Contract
[password]> ********** <"ababababab">

Note the script hash:

[I 180805 19:59:20 EventHub:58] [test_mode][SmartContract.Contract.Create] [09a129673c61917593cb4b57dce066688f539d15] {'type': 'InteropInterface', 'value': {'version': 0, 'code': {'hash': '0x09a129673c61917593cb4b57dce066688f539d15', 'script': '54c56b0b48656c6c6f20576f726c64680f4e656f2e52756e74696d652e4c6f67516c7566', ...   ... }}}
tty3 neo> contract 0x09a129673c61917593cb4b57dce066688f539d15
    "version": 0,
    "code": {
        "hash": "0x09a129673c61917593cb4b57dce066688f539d15",
        "script": "54c56b0b48656c6c6f20576f726c64680f4e656f2e52756e74696d652e4c6f67516c7566",
        "parameters": "10",
        "returntype": 1
    "name": "hello-world01",
    "code_version": "0.0.1",
    "author": "client",
    "email": "client@local",
    "description": "Hello World Contract",
    "properties": {
        "storage": true,
        "dynamic_invoke": true
tty3 neo> 

Invoke the function and see logging on tty2 and tty3:

tty3 neo> testinvoke 0x09a129673c61917593cb4b57dce066688f539d15
[I 180805 20:09:23 EventHub:62] [SmartContract.Runtime.Log][13894] [09a129673c61917593cb4b57dce066688f539d15] [tx 45eef678f288c854684c3d81bbac2131f1e6b07118ed3753a2d0d3776934fe73] {'type': 'String', 'value': 'Hello World'}
[I 180805 20:09:23 EventHub:62] [SmartContract.Execution.Success][13894] [09a129673c61917593cb4b57dce066688f539d15] [tx 45eef678f288c854684c3d81bbac2131f1e6b07118ed3753a2d0d3776934fe73] {'type': 'Array', 'value': [{'type': 'Integer', 'value': '1'}]}
tty3 neo> 

tty2 neo> testinvoke 0x09a129673c61917593cb4b57dce066688f539d15
[I 180805 20:09:23 EventHub:62] [SmartContract.Runtime.Log][13894] [09a129673c61917593cb4b57dce066688f539d15] [tx 45eef678f288c854684c3d81bbac2131f1e6b07118ed3753a2d0d3776934fe73] {'type': 'String', 'value': 'Hello World'}
[I 180805 20:09:23 EventHub:62] [SmartContract.Execution.Success][13894] [09a129673c61917593cb4b57dce066688f539d15] [tx 45eef678f288c854684c3d81bbac2131f1e6b07118ed3753a2d0d3776934fe73] {'type': 'Array', 'value': [{'type': 'Integer', 'value': '1'}]}
tty2 neo> 

The NEO Smart Contract source used for the above Hello World example is:

def Main():
  print("Hello World")
  return True

Deploy Poll NEO Smart Contract

Build and import contract with meta-data:

tty3 neo> open wallet neo-client.wallet                                                                            
[password]> **********                                                                                        
Opened wallet at neo-client.wallet
tty3 neo> wallet
            "Address": "AXpm7MnucoDDW78X4c1NHggy6TYorMfrxT",
tty3 neo> build sc/sc/poll.py
[I 180812 14:43:12 BuildNRun:50] Saved output to sc/sc/poll.avm 
tty3 neo>
tty3 neo> import contract sc/sc/poll.avm 07070707 02 True False False
Please fill out the following contract details:
[Contract Name] > poll
[Contract Version] > 0.0.1
[Contract Author] > a
[Contract Email] > a@local
[Contract Description] > A poll contract enforcing one for vote per poll per address
Creating smart contract....
                 Name: poll 
              Version: 0.0.1
               Author: a 
                Email: a@local 
          Description: A poll contract enforcing one for vote per poll per address 
        Needs Storage: True 
 Needs Dynamic Invoke: False 
    "hash": "0x3a10794833ed2f280215bb28b1adea3f88fd5882",
[I 180812 14:44:22 EventHub:58] [test_mode][SmartContract.Contract.Create] [3a10794833ed2f280215bb28b1adea3f88fd5882] {...}}
[I 180812 14:44:22 EventHub:58] [test_mode][SmartContract.Execution.Success] [451a66e87292250538cb0a7a19d1a489c28dd2f5] {...}
Used 500.0 Gas 
Test deploy invoke successful
Total operations executed: 11 
[<neo.Core.State.ContractState.ContractState object at 0x7f7927541048>]
Deploy Invoke TX GAS cost: 490.0 
Deploy Invoke TX Fee: 0.0 
Enter your password to continue and deploy this contract
[password]> **********
[I 180812 14:44:31 Transaction:615] Verifying transaction: b'cf9b5511789cdf78c42dec949f036d754d767ab4645f05d878ffefe8e613b604' 
[I 180812 14:44:31 EventHub:62] [SmartContract.Verification.Success][27890] [cf6f6e49739373791a51a9431d817200bc4458e1] [...] {...}
Relayed Tx: cf9b5511789cdf78c42dec949f036d754d767ab4645f05d878ffefe8e613b604 
tty3 neo>                                                                    

Initially the contract will not be available

tty3 neo> contract 0x3a10794833ed2f280215bb28b1adea3f88fd5882                                   
tty3 neo> 

When the contract has been imported the script hash matched a script resource:

tty3 neo> contract 0x3a10794833ed2f280215bb28b1adea3f88fd5882                                   
    "version": 0,
    "code": {
        "hash": "0x3a10794833ed2f280215bb28b1adea3f88fd5882",
    "name": "poll",
    "code_version": "0.0.1",
    "author": "a",
    "email": "a@local",
    "description": "A poll contract enforcing one for vote per poll per address",
    "properties": {
        "storage": true,
        "dynamic_invoke": false
tty3 neo>                                                                                       

Make one selection, then check the result from a single wallet:

tty3 neo> testinvoke 0x3a10794833ed2f280215bb28b1adea3f88fd5882 AXpm7MnucoDDW78X4c1NHggy6TYorMfrxT select poll-1 selection-1                                                                                     
Used 2.531 Gas 
Test invoke successful
Total operations: 205
Results [{'type': 'Integer', 'value': '1'}]
Invoke TX GAS cost: 0.0
Invoke TX fee: 0.0001
Enter your password to continue and invoke on the network
[password]> **********
[I 180812 15:11:56 Transaction:615] Verifying transaction: b'fc01ae50184de0caf7e6087233a6dcf8b395c7a35830c3f70c47e6e124fd50f9' 
[I 180812 15:11:56 EventHub:62] [SmartContract.Verification.Success][27982] [0577893f6a2e57cc67576e860fb8328d2a20a1ec] [..] {...}
Relayed Tx: fc01ae50184de0caf7e6087233a6dcf8b395c7a35830c3f70c47e6e124fd50f9 
tty3 neo> 
tty3 neo> testinvoke 0x3a10794833ed2f280215bb28b1adea3f88fd5882 AXpm7MnucoDDW78X4c1NHggy6TYorMfrxT result poll-1 
Used 0.386 Gas 
Test invoke successful
Total operations: 127
Results [{'type': 'ByteArray', 'value': ''}]
Invoke TX GAS cost: 0.0
Invoke TX fee: 0.0001
Enter your password to continue and invoke on the network
[password]> **********
[E 180812 15:12:25 Wallet:1080] insufficient funds for asset id: 602c79718b16e442de58778e148d0b1084e3b2dffd5de6b7b16cee7969282de7 
Insufficient funds
tty3 neo>
Logging events as transaction clears
tty3 neo>
tty3 neo> testinvoke 0x3a10794833ed2f280215bb28b1adea3f88fd5882 AXpm7MnucoDDW78X4c1NHggy6TYorMfrxT result poll-1 selection-1                                                                                     
Used 0.386 Gas 
Test invoke successful
Total operations: 127
Results [{'type': 'ByteArray', 'value': '01'}]
Invoke TX GAS cost: 0.0
Invoke TX fee: 0.0001
Enter your password to continue and invoke on the network
[password]> **********
[I 180812 15:12:43 Transaction:615] Verifying transaction: b'2405224ddff4a28524ff27b84dd386dabcf040b9444d0a6b3a5f27308b033d60' 
[I 180812 15:12:43 EventHub:62] [SmartContract.Verification.Success][27984] [f40ad105932fdae37cea3aaf8e18ee1c299bb04a] [...] {...}
Relayed Tx: 2405224ddff4a28524ff27b84dd386dabcf040b9444d0a6b3a5f27308b033d60 
tty3 neo>  

Note: the first request for the result came before the previous transaction has cleared and the invoke fails with "insufficient funds")

Using a different wallet in another terminal, add a subsequent selection, attempt a second (which fails) and check the result:

tty2 neo> open wallet neo-privnet.wallet 
[password]> **********                                                                                        
Opened wallet at neo-privnet.wallet
tty2 neo> wallet
            "Address": "AK2nJJpJr6o664CWJKi1QRXjqeic2zRp8y",
tty2 neo> testinvoke 0x3a10794833ed2f280215bb28b1adea3f88fd5882 AK2nJJpJr6o664CWJKi1QRXjqeic2zRp8y select poll-1 selection-1                                                                                     
Test invoke successful
Total operations: 205
Results [{'type': 'Integer', 'value': '2'}]
Invoke TX GAS cost: 0.0
Invoke TX fee: 0.0001
tty2 neo>                                                                                                                                                                                                        
Logging events as transaction clears
tty2 neo>
tty2 neo> testinvoke 0x3a10794833ed2f280215bb28b1adea3f88fd5882 AK2nJJpJr6o664CWJKi1QRXjqeic2zRp8y select poll-1 selection-1                                                                                     
Test invoke successful
Total operations: 144
Results [{'type': 'ByteArray', 'value': ''}]
Invoke TX GAS cost: 0.0
Invoke TX fee: 0.0001
tty2 neo>                                                                                                                                                                                                        
Logging events as transaction clears
tty2 neo>                                                                                                                                                                                                        
tty2 neo> testinvoke 0x3a10794833ed2f280215bb28b1adea3f88fd5882 AK2nJJpJr6o664CWJKi1QRXjqeic2zRp8y result poll-1 selection-1                                                                                     
Test invoke successful
Total operations: 127
Results [{'type': 'ByteArray', 'value': '02'}]
Invoke TX GAS cost: 0.0
Invoke TX fee: 0.0001

View the same result on the original terminal:

tty3 neo> testinvoke 0x3a10794833ed2f280215bb28b1adea3f88fd5882 AXpm7MnucoDDW78X4c1NHggy6TYorMfrxT result poll-1 selection-1                                                                                     
Test invoke successful
Total operations: 127
Results [{'type': 'ByteArray', 'value': '02'}]
Invoke TX GAS cost: 0.0
Invoke TX fee: 0.0001


The NEO Smart Contract source used for the above Poll example is:

from boa.interop.Neo.Runtime import CheckWitness
from boa.interop.Neo.Storage import Get,Put,GetContext
from boa.builtins import concat

def Main(voter, operation, poll, selection):

    if not CheckWitness(voter):
        print(concat("CheckWitness failed for: ", voter))
        return False

    ctx = GetContext()
    if operation == "select":
        return vote_for_selection(ctx, voter, poll, selection)

    elif operation == "result":
        return get_selection_result(ctx, poll, selection)

    return False

def vote_for_selection(ctx, voter, poll, selection):
    poll_voter_key = concat(poll, voter)
    voter_status = Get(ctx, poll_voter_key)
    if voter_status == "voted":
        return False

        poll_selection_key = concat(poll, selection)
        votes = Get(ctx, poll_selection_key) + 1
        Put(ctx, poll_voter_key, "voted")
        Put(ctx, poll_selection_key, votes)
        print(concat("Selected: ", selection))
        return votes

def get_selection_result(ctx, poll, selection):
    poll_selection_key = concat(poll, selection)
    votes = Get(ctx, poll_selection_key)
    print(concat("Result: ", votes))
    return votes

Voting using the API

Invoke API to cast a VOTE


Invoke API to query the result


Multiple voters

Create new wallet and Invoke API to cast a VOTE


TODO: The first voter fails to vote twice


View the result in a web page

Link and screen shot. [TODO] [TODO]


Script fragments, commands and alternate examples.

Compile from command line

Useful to build outside the NEO node prompt.

Compile a smart contract distribution in a local workspace:

$ rm -rf './avm' && mkdir -p './avm'
$ cd neo-boa-compiler/
$ docker build --tag neo-boa .
$ docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd)/../sc:/python-contracts -v $(pwd)/../avm:/compiled-contracts neo-boa
$ cd ..

Balance Contract


Deploy a contract with storage and execite it, viewing the output on the monitor nodes:

tty2 neo> build sc/sc/balance_tracker.py test 070502 02 True False False add AG4GfwjnvydAZodm4xEDivguCtjCFzLcJy 3   
tty2 neo> import contract sc/sc/balance_tracker.avm 070502 02 True False False
tty2 neo> testinvoke 0x65bc18944450249f6658acc0a7ab81f5769ae6fe add AG4GfwjnvydAZodm4xEDivguCtjCFzLcJy 3 
[I 180805 20:32:25 EventHub:62] [SmartContract.Execution.Success][13971] [65bc18944450249f6658acc0a7ab81f5769ae6fe] [tx 75e8799e43dc1d046263913178faab5ccee00d799c1ae3eb503eb1b5c3e646d5] {'type': 'Array', 'value': [{'type': 'Integer', 'value': '3'}]}

Invoking the same contract from another wallet increases the balance:

tty3 neo> testinvoke 0x65bc18944450249f6658acc0a7ab81f5769ae6fe add AG4GfwjnvydAZodm4xEDivguCtjCFzLcJy 5
[I 180805 20:33:56 EventHub:62] [SmartContract.Execution.Success][13976] [65bc18944450249f6658acc0a7ab81f5769ae6fe] [tx cf4cfe8f5b74a82ac4fc4ec247f2eae744d68989fa30fb6964b62768ea4bd4d4] {'type': 'Array', 'value': [{'type': 'Integer', 'value': '8'}]}

(the output appears in both tty2 and tty3)