
MediaWiki S3 and CloudFront Extension

Primary LanguagePHP


Below are 2 versions of what should be added to the bottom of your LocalSettings file. Believe the first one will work from v1.21 onwards as much as the second one, as well as the code it is attached to. This repository should be tagged if not.

	Modified to work with 1.25.
	Antony D'Andrea - contactme at antonydandrea dot com

        This also has a couple of bug fixes on the code, but the config below
        along with the bug fixes definitely works in MediaWiki 1.25.

// s3 filesystem repo
$wgUploadDirectory = 'wiki';
$wgUploadS3Bucket = 'YOUR S3 BUCKET';
$wgUploadS3SSL = false; // true if SSL should be used
$wgPublicS3 = true; // true if public, false if authentication should be used

$wgS3BaseUrl = "http".($wgUploadS3SSL?"s":"")."://s3.amazonaws.com/$wgUploadS3Bucket";

//viewing needs a different url from uploading. Uploading doesnt work on the below url and viewing doesnt work on the above one.
$wgS3BaseUrlView = "http".($wgUploadS3SSL?"s":"")."://".$wgUploadS3Bucket.".s3.amazonaws.com";
$wgUploadBaseUrl = "$wgS3BaseUrlView/$wgUploadDirectory";

// leave $wgCloudFrontUrl blank to not render images from CloudFront
$wgCloudFrontUrl = '';//"http".($wgUploadS3SSL?"s":"").'://YOUR_CLOUDFRONT_SUBDOMAIN.cloudfront.net/';
$wgLocalFileRepo = array(
        'class' => 'LocalS3Repo',
        'name' => 's3',
        'directory' => $wgUploadDirectory,
        'url' => $wgUploadBaseUrl ? $wgUploadBaseUrl . $wgUploadPath : $wgUploadPath,
        'urlbase' => $wgS3BaseUrl ? $wgS3BaseUrl : "",
        'hashLevels' => $wgHashedUploadDirectory ? 2 : 0,
        'thumbScriptUrl' => $wgThumbnailScriptPath,
        'transformVia404' => !$wgGenerateThumbnailOnParse,
        'initialCapital' => $wgCapitalLinks,
        'deletedDir' => $wgUploadDirectory.'/deleted',
        'deletedHashLevels' => $wgFileStore['deleted']['hash'],
        'AWS_S3_BUCKET' => $wgUploadS3Bucket,
        'AWS_S3_PUBLIC' => $wgPublicS3,
        'AWS_S3_SSL' => $wgUploadS3SSL,
        'cloudFrontUrl' => $wgCloudFrontUrl,
	Modified to work with 1.21 and CloudFront.
	Owen Borseth - owen at borseth dot us

	LocalS3Repo modified to work with MediaWiki 1.21, maybe others, and CloudFront CDN. A maintenance script that I used to move my current
	files over to S3 has been included; it will probably need to be slightly modified to work for you.

// s3 filesystem repo settings - start
// Modify below with tyour settings and paste it all into your LocalSettings.php file.
// Basically, just modify the values that are in all uppercase and all should be fine.

// $wgUploadDirectory is the directory in your bucket where the image directories and images will be stored.
// If "images" doesn't work for you, change it.
$wgUploadDirectory = 'images';
$wgUploadS3Bucket = 'YOUR S3 BUCKET';
$wgUploadS3SSL = false; // true if SSL should be used
$wgPublicS3 = true; // true if public, false if authentication should be used
$wgS3BaseUrl = "http".($wgUploadS3SSL?"s":"")."://s3.amazonaws.com/$wgUploadS3Bucket";
$wgUploadBaseUrl = "$wgS3BaseUrl/$wgUploadDirectory";
// leave $wgCloudFrontUrl blank to not render images from CloudFront
$wgCloudFrontUrl = "http".($wgUploadS3SSL?"s":"").'://YOUR_CLOUDFRONT_SUBDOMAIN.cloudfront.net/';
$wgLocalFileRepo = array(
        'class' => 'LocalS3Repo',
        'name' => 's3',
        'directory' => $wgUploadDirectory,
        'url' => $wgUploadBaseUrl ? $wgUploadBaseUrl . $wgUploadPath : $wgUploadPath,
        'urlbase' => $wgS3BaseUrl ? $wgS3BaseUrl : "",
        'hashLevels' => $wgHashedUploadDirectory ? 2 : 0,
        'thumbScriptUrl' => $wgThumbnailScriptPath,
        'transformVia404' => !$wgGenerateThumbnailOnParse,
        'initialCapital' => $wgCapitalLinks,
        'deletedDir' => $wgUploadDirectory.'/deleted',
        'deletedHashLevels' => $wgFileStore['deleted']['hash'],
        'AWS_S3_BUCKET' => $wgUploadS3Bucket,
        'AWS_S3_PUBLIC' => $wgPublicS3,
        'AWS_S3_SSL' => $wgUploadS3SSL,
        'cloudFrontUrl' => $wgCloudFrontUrl,
// s3 filesystem repo settings - end