
AI-Powered Appium Plugin for Mobile Test Automation

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Environment setup

Install pyenv and required python version

pyenv install 3.9.6
pyenv global 3.9.6

Create virtual environment using the python version installed by pyenv

PYENV_PYTHON_PATH=$(pyenv which python)
virtualenv -p $PYENV_PYTHON_PATH venv

Activate virtual environment and install dependencies

. venv/bin/activate
pip install pip-tools==7.4.1
pip-sync requirements.txt

Updating "requirements.in" and "requirements.txt"

The file "requirements.in" should only contain the top-level dependencies. Run the following command to update "requirements.txt" with the latest versions of the dependencies.

pip-compile --annotation-style=line requirements.in --upgrade