
Test task for one of the companies

Primary LanguageJava


Test task for an interview in one of the companies

The task was as following:

Goal: determine, does video have preroll ads or not for both cases when adblock on and off Requirements: web-driver (chrome), any platform, any required software for sound recording. Pseudo scenario: adbock : on Find 10 most viewed video for “<input from cli | web >” on youtube.com and start playing one by one record sound <clip_id>_<on | off>.<wav | mp3> when clip current time > 1 min, stop record, save file, start playing another when clip == 10, adblock : off, repeat, when adblock : off AND clip == 10; goto next step compare equals audio files - and return was preroll or not Output : <file_name>, (true, false)

Technologies used

  • Java
  • Selenide
  • TestNG
  • musicg (for audio comparison)


Windows only. Could be easily modified to work on Linux.

How to install and run

This is Java Maven-based project so you have to have JRE and Maven installed on your pc and then:

  1. Clone the project
  2. Execute 'mvn test' in a command line, this will launch the tests
  3. Check the results in log file at root of the project


Currently test is configured to record 20 audio files in total (it comes from the goal) each for 1 minute therefore test runs for about 20 minutes, if you don't want to wait so long, you can modify the following fields at TestSuite class:

private final static int NUMBER_OF_VIDEOS = 10;
private final static int DURATION_MINUTES = 1;
private final static int DURATION_SECONDS = 0;