
A web-based code problem grader for Java/Kotlin/Python/Swift written in Swift

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


This project has been retired! Find out more.

Simple setup (using Xcode and no docker/worker agents -- frontend only)

Install vapor and dependencies

If you are on macOS then make sure you have Homebrew installed first. Then:

brew tap vapor/homebrew-tap
brew update
brew install vapor
brew install sqlite3


Do a git clone of this repo.

Setup Xcode project

To create the files need

vapor xcode

Open the xcodeproj file in Xcode, check that "Run -> My Mac" is selected as the target and then hit "Play".

Check it is running in your browser at http:://localhost:8080.

Setup database

The database will be created automatically when you run the project.

If you want to run the project in Xcode, then you can use a SQLite database. The base Config/fluent.json is already setup to use the sqlite driver by default. Docker will use the driver defined in Config/docker/fluent.json, which is set to MySQL by default.

To seed the tables:

vapor run seed

Adding dependencies

If you change Package.swift then use vapor update to download dependencies.

Serious setup

You will need Docker (at least version 17).

This setup uses docker-compose to create 4 containers:

  • database - a standard mariadb image
  • redis - a standard redis image
  • web - our vapor image that serves the website
  • worker - our vapor image that runs multiple job threads

Orchestrate your containers

  • Clone the repo
  • Open your terminal at the repo root, and cd docker
  • Build the base docker image docker build -t apptitude/vapor vapor
  • Build the application ./build
  • Start redis & database docker-compose up -d redis database
  • Check they're up docker-compose ps
  • Check the logs if you have problems docker-compose logs -ft <container_id>
  • After database is up, start web docker-compose up -d web
  • After web is up, start worker docker-compose up -d worker
  • Open your browser at http://localhost or your docker VM IP address
  • By default you will be using mysql and the db will be empty, so next you should seed the db docker-compose run worker run seed --env=docker


  • Every change to the Swift source code requires compilation and restart the web/worker containers. The script ./build will stop, compile and start.
  • Changes to the resources (html, css, js, images -- and Leaf!) do not require recompilation (just refresh the browser).
  • To inspect the database, it is easiest to login directly to the database container docker-compose exec database mysql -u root -p grader
  • To test the running of submission jobs (or manually run a job), login to the worker container docker-compose exec worker bash and then use the vapor command vapor run submission X where X is your submission id.

Other commands

Compile our custom Vapor image (required before we start using docker run apptitude/vapor):

docker build -t apptitude/vapor vapor

Login to a Vapor-enabled container (bash prompt, useful for exploring):

docker run -it --volume=$PWD/..:/app --entrypoint /bin/bash  apptitude/vapor

Run Vapor commands (e.g. vapor build):

docker run -it --volume=$PWD/..:/app apptitude/vapor build

In general, you can run any Vapor command (e.g. vapor XXX):

docker run -it --volume=$PWD/..:/app apptitude/vapor XXX --env=docker

Run a one-off worker:

docker run -it --volume=$PWD/..:/app apptitude/vapor run worker --env=docker


This was tested on AWS, to a Ubuntu Xenial 16.04 (20170414) (ami-8fcc75ec) instance. The security group should have http and ssh open.

  1. ssh into your newly created instance. (Note: the user to login with for Ubuntu images is ubuntu.)

  2. Install docker

sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu $(lsb_release -cs) stable"
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y --allow-unauthenticated docker-ce
sudo systemctl status docker
sudo usermod -aG docker ${USER}

and check it is working docker

  1. Install docker-compose
curl -fsSL https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu/gpg | sudo apt-key add -
sudo curl -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose -L "https://github.com/docker/compose/releases/download/1.15.0/docker-compose-$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)"
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose

and check it is working docker-compose -v

  1. Create the /app directory
sudo mkdir /app
sudo chown ubuntu:ubuntu /app
  1. Sync the files (e.g. copy from your local machine to the instance). See ./deploy for an example.

  2. ssh back into the instance, and build/start the docker services

cd /app/docker
docker build -t apptitude/vapor vapor
docker run -it --volume=$PWD/..:/app apptitude/vapor build
docker-compose up -d
  1. Check everything looks ok on the logs.
docker-compose logs -ft

Updates to the server

  1. Make a backup first
ssh grader
cd /app/docker
docker-compose exec database bash
mysqldump -u root -p grader > dump.sql
  1. Copy backup down to localhost
docker cp `docker-compose ps -q database`:/dump.sql /app/dump.sql
scp grader:/app/dump.sql ./
  1. Make database changes (from aws) -- if required
ssh grader
cd /app/docker
docker-compose exec database mysql -u root -p grader

(and do you stuff!)

  1. Resync files (logout to localhost first)
  1. Rebuild the worker container (if required)
ssh grader
cd /app/docker
docker-compose up -d --no-deps --build worker

Resource limits

Use these commands on running containers to modify the resource allocation.

docker update --cpus=".25" <containerid>   # Guarantee that a container has at least 25% of 1 cpu core
docker update -c 512 <containerid>         # Give 50% share of the CPU to a container (512 out of 1024)
docker update -m 750M <containerid>        # Limit memory to 750MB for a container