Build awesome Blazor WebAssembly web applications that supports more than 69+ languages with just a few lines of code, in addition to an easy translation tool that helps you translate all your content to any language you want with just one click Build with Love by Ahmad Mozaffar
For Nuget Package Manager install the package Install-Package AKSoftware.Localization.MultiLanguages
Inside your project create a folder called "Resources" and inside it create a file called "en-US.yml" which is a YAML file then set your keywords inside the file like this
HelloWorld: Hello World
Welcome: Welcome
We chose YAML files because it's very light comparing it to XML or JSON and make the output dll very small, in addition to that it's much way faster in serialization and deserialization
Select the file in the Solution Explorer window and from the properties window set the build action property to "Embbed Resources"
Visit the online translation tool on the following link
Go to translate app page
Upload your YAML file and click submit All the languages will be available with just one click - install all the languages you want to support in your application
Import the files to the resources folder you have just created and set the build action property for them as Embedded Resources also
Supporting the nested items within the YAML and the ability to read them as following
// Set the key for the nested object
Go to program.cs and register the Language Container Service in the Dependency Injection container Import the library using AKSoftware.Localization.MultiLanguages
Register the service
// Specify the assembly that has the langauges files, in this situation it's the current assembly
// You can specify the default culture of the project like this
// builder.Services.AddLanguageContainer(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(), CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("fr-Fr"));
If you don't specify a default culture the library will try to find the file that matches the culture of the current user, if it's not existing it will try to find any file that matches the same language, then if it's not there it will try to find the English file then the first file in the folder, otherwise it will throw an exception
With in your components that you want to localize inject the service
@inject ILanguageContainerService languageContainer
And start getting the values from your files just like this
You are able to change the language and choose any language you have added from the UI like this Inject the service in the component
@inject ILanguageContainerService languageContainer
Add a button and set the @onclick method
<button @onclick="SetFrench">French</button>
void SetFrench()
Check the examples folder which has a full example of how to build Blazor apps that supports about +7 languages
Developed with Love by Ahmad Mozaffar