
CS50s Web Programming with Python and JavaScript: Project 3 - Commerce

Primary LanguagePython


Table of contents

Description and requirements

Design an eBay-like e-commerce auction site that will allow users to post auction listings, place bids on listings, comment on those listings, and add listings to a “watchlist.”

All requirements can be viewed here: https://cs50.harvard.edu/web/2020/projects/2/commerce/

Live version can be viewed here: http://cs50commerce.pythonanywhere.com/


View Listings


View Listing Page



To set up this project on your computer:

  1. Download this project
    gti clone https://github.com/JSerwatka/CS50-Commerce.git
  2. Install all necessary dependencies
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Make migrations
    python manage.py makemigrations
  4. Migrate
    python manage.py migrate

Special thanks to Brian and the entire CS50 team for making learning easy, engaging, and free.