
Elusive Giants aims to build a software solution that will use geo-data from the Kenya Wildlife Serivice and NASA datasets api to map elephants and assist in monitoring their existence in the era of massive poaching which endangers their species. This data can also be used to assist in conservation efforts and to raise awareness on human wildlife conflict that might exist.


Elusive Giants aims to build a software solution that will use geo-data from the Kenya Wildlife Serivice and NASA datasets api to map elephants and assist in monitoring their existence in the era of massive poaching which endangers their species. This data can also be used to assist in conservation efforts and to raise awareness on human wildlife conflict that might exist.

See more on our visualizations using cartoDB: Link: http://cdb.io/11yOZ6x Link: http://cdb.io/11yQaCZ

Developer: antoroko Born African Advanced Coder.