
Master Thesis Python/R/Bash code

Primary LanguageR


This repository stores the code written by Antonio Ortega during his Master Thesis in Bioinformatics at the University of Copenhagen in Denmark (Københavns Universitet). The code is split in 2 folders:

  • pipeline: bash, R and Python scripts required to run an OS label-free proteomics quantification pipeline in Linux using the tools published by the Compomics group at University of Ghent.

  • model: Python scripts powering BayesQuant, a program that uses probabilistic programming to compute relative quantities from MS1 intensity data, in a format similar to that used by MSqRob. It consists of a PyMC3 model.

Additionally, the thp1 folder stores data in different processing stages analysed by the pipeline for a benchmark dataset of THP1 cells.

Another repo contains the latex code required to compile the PDF document, available here .