
The react frontend for the ABP application

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

ABP React

This project can be used as a drop-in replacement for the Angular UI of the ABP Framework.


You can see a demo of the app here.

Getting Started


You can find the documentation here.


Installing Template

Install the ABP React .NET Template:

dotnet new install Anto.Abp.React.Template

Creating a new project

Create a new project using the template:

dotnet new abp-react -o my-project-name --apiUrl abp.antosubash.com

Note: You can use any name for the project. I used my-project-name for this example. Keep in mind that the project name should be in kebab case (all lowercase and words separated by hyphens) because it will be used as the name of the packages org name.

Update the Environment Variables

I have added the sample environment variables in the .env.sample file. You can update the values according to your project.

Running the project

cd my-project-name
pnpm install
pnpm dev

What is this?

This is a React UI for the ABP Framework. We are working on a beta release and it is officially not ready for production. However, you can use it at your own risk. It uses AbpTemplate as the backend. It is built using Next.js, TypeScript, and Tailwind CSS.

Why Use ABP React?

The main reason is React and Next.js. In the modern web, you need a framework that can build a fast and SEO-friendly website. React and Next.js are the best options for that. You can build a static, SSR, and CSR website with Next.js. It is also very easy to integrate with the ABP Framework.

LightHouse Score

Lighthouse Score

The score is for the landing page. Other pages are not yet checked with Lighthouse. You can check the score for the landing page here.


The goal of this project is to provide a React UI for the ABP Framework. It will be a fully functional UI that can be used as a starting point for any ABP project. It will also be a reference for anyone who wants to build a React UI for ABP. We will try to implement all the features of the ABP Framework Open Source Application.


  • Landing Page
  • Login, Logout, Register, Forgot Password
  • Multilingual
  • Theme Switcher
  • Profile
  • Tenant Management
  • Role Management
  • User Management
  • Settings Management
  • Feature Management


Most of the features are implemented. We are planning to keep it similar to the ABP Framework Open Source Application. That means all the commercial features will not be implemented.


If you want to build your project with ABP React and need support, you can contact me at antosubash@outlook.com.

How to run

  1. Clone the repo
  2. cd into the src folder
  3. Run pnpm install
  4. Run pnpm dev

How to contribute

  1. Fork the repo
  2. Create a branch for your feature
  3. Make your changes
  4. Create a pull request


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

