
Initial application template for Phoenix LiveView websites.

Primary LanguageElixirMIT LicenseMIT


Initial application template for Phoenix LiveView websites. It represents what I want as a set of defaults when starting a new development.

It has lent on Patrick Thompson's work with Tailwind, Alpine and LiveView.

This application has been created with:

  • Authentication (mix_gen_auth)
  • Email (Bamboo)

For testing

  • ExMachina
  • Faker
  • mox
  • Mix test watch
  • Elogram (screen capture)

It has been refactored to provide a liveview interface to the settings page.

  • Add the ability for a user to delete their account.
  • Users must confirm their email before signing in.
  • If a user does not receive the confirmation email, they can reconfirm by resetting their password.

Adjusting for your APP

  • Delete the .git directory before you start - you will want your own!!!
  • Rename the directories to my_app and my_app_web
  • Rename CxsStarter => MyApp
  • Rename cxs_starter => my_app
  • Rename cxs_starter_web => my_app_web
  • Update your database settings

Screen capture in tests

  1. Run chrome
  • /Applications/Google\ Chrome.app/Contents/MacOS/Google\ Chrome --headless --disable-gpu --remote-debugging-port=9222
  1. Import
  • import Elogram.CaptureScreenshot
  1. Capture the screen
  • capture_screenshot(view, name: "<my_file>.png")