
Search MeMory

Primary LanguagePython

Command Line Tool for Easy Lookup

Cannot remember an oneliner? Use this :).


Currently we have no packaging set up. So you have to clone the source and run python setup.py install or if you want to work on the model just run python setup.py develop so that the package is just a link to your source. Since the project is in the early stage, please manually install the dependencies in a venv: pip install -r requirements.txt

Data is stored in the file `smmdbstore.json` on the path specified under env variable `SMMENVDBPATH`. If `SMMENVDBPATH` is not set, `smm` uses default location `~/.smmdbstore/`.

Autocomplete: Copy `etc/smm-complet e.sh` to your favorite destination. Add `smm` path to the `PATH` variable (e.g. export PATH=~/venvs/smm/bin/:$PATH) and add to your `.bashrc` profile `. ~/.smmdbstore/smm-complete.sh` or `. /path/to/smm-complete.sh ` if you are using different location.


`$ smm` # prints help and usage `$ smm all` # prints all commands `$ smm cmds [args]` # prints names of the commands on the given level `$ smm find command [subcommands]` # prints commands on the given level