Laravel Singleton Auto Discovery

Automatically registers your classes as singletons in Laravel's DI container.

The Problem

In Laravel by default if you have something injected by calling app(SomeClass::class) or App::make(SomeClass::class) or by a type hint on a method, it will give you a new instance of that class each time. e.g.

app(SomeClass::class) === app(SomeClass::class); // false

To solve this you need to explicitly tell the DI container that you want SomeClass to be a singleton, like this:


If you have lots of classes you want to be singletons it gets tedious to have to write the app()->singleton() call for every one.

The Solution

This package automatically scans your app directory for any classes that implement the SingletonInterface interface. For any it finds it registers them as a singleton with the DI container.

This is very similar to the pattern that Laravel's built in event discovery follows (since 5.8.9).


composer require antriver/laravel-singleton-discovery

Add SingletonDiscoveryServiceProvider to your list of providers in config/app.php:

    'providers' => [
        // ...
        // ...


The directory will be scanned each time the app starts up. This is probably what you want during development but will affect performance in production. You can use the singletons:cache command to cache the discovered singletons to avoid that. The singletons:clear command clears the cached file.