
4th sem Web Frameworks project implemented using Django , React and Postgresql as database.

Primary LanguagePython


4th sem Web Frameworks project implemented using Django , React and Postgresql as database.

  1. Introduction

1.1 Purpose of this document

Overview of this project along with functionalities,intended users ,user interface and software requirements.

1.2 Overview

Supermarket management system is the system where all the aspects related to the proper management of supermarkets are done. These aspects involve managing information about the various products, staff, managers, customers, billing etc. This system provides an efficient way of managing the supermarket information. Also allows the customer to purchase and pay for the items purchased.

This project is based on the sales transaction and billing of items in a supermarket. The first activity is based on adding the items to the system along with the rate which are present in the supermarket and the name of the items which the supermarket will agree to sell. This authority is given only to the product manager. Any modifications to be done in the item name and the rate can be done only by him. He also has the right to delete any item. As the customer buys the products and comes to the billing counter, the user is supposed to enter the item name he purchased and the quantity of the item he had purchased.

This study is to produce software which manages the sales activity done in a supermarket, maintaining the stock details, maintaining the records of the sales done for a particular month/year,managing employees working for the store etc. The users will consume less time in calculation and the sales activity will be completed within a fraction of seconds whereas manual system will make the user to write it down which is a long procedure and so paperwork will be reduced and the user can spend more time on monitoring the supermarket. The project will be user friendly and easy to use.

1.3 Business Context

Supermarket chains or individual stores are the targeted audience.They could use it to manage their chain of stores and maintain clear records and analyse their sales and increase their profit. Since everything is online it would be convenient to sync all the data across various stores at different locations.

  1. General Description

2.1 Product Functions

-Manage employees working for a store.

-Net income and expenditure monitoring.

-Maintain record of all the products sold in the store.

-Monitor stock of different products.

-Add or remove products,remove expired products.

-Users can search for details of specific products.

-Bill generation.

Distinguishable feature from other products in market:

-Sales and revenue analytics

-Recommend Changes to increase profits

2.2 Intended Users

-Store Admin

-Product Managers

-End Users

  1. Functionalities

-Store Admin

He should be able to

-Manage employees working for a store.

-Net income and expenditure monitoring.

-Product Managers

He should be able to

-Maintain record of all the products sold in the store.

-Monitor stock of different products.

-Add or remove products,remove expired products.

-End Users

He should be able to

-Search for details of specific products.

-Bill generation.


-Cannot manage promotions.

-Internet access required to access cross store details.

-Initial Setup required.

5.Software Requirements

-Windows 10 or newer

-Web browser


-Python 3.7 or newer




-django rest framework