
Simple API to short the given URL

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Simple API, which just does one thing. Stores the given url and gives it back when we give the hash/shortUrl. (Data will stored in the postgres database).


Simply run:

docker-compose up

and the API will be up and running on (we can change the port .env if needed):


where GET - /id - gives back the url info associated with the id POST - / - Takes the json { "url" : "value" } and gives back the shorten url GET - http://localhost:8080/<hash> - Redirects the user to the actual URL

Once we have the short url, we can hit the same on our browser to see the redirect in action

Test cases

I ran integration test cases using jest. The test cases are in the folder intergration-test

Navigate and run

    npm run test

to run our little suite!